[Pkg-clamav-devel] Support for shipping AppArmor profiles in Debian (clamav)
u at 451f.org
Mon Mar 2 13:27:19 UTC 2015
you are maintaining a package in Debian which ships its own AppArmor
profile(s). That's great!
The security layer which AppArmor provides is very important to us and
we believe that it should be more widely deployed in Debian. That is why
we would like to encourage you to continue shipping these profiles.
In case you have questions or experience problems doing so, the Debian
AppArmor Team wants to kindly offer help and assistance.
Please read on.
Documentation & Tools
We've been working on documentation that aims at providing useful
information and tools to users, contributors and package maintainers:
In the "Contribute" section you'll find many hints and tools to help you
ship, improve, debug and test AppArmor profiles:
Usertags for bugreports
In case you require help whenever a bug on your packages might be
involving the AppArmor profiles you ship, we've set up a list of
usertags which can be used to make us aware of your needs:
* use the tag "help-needed", to request help for initial diagnosis
* use the tag "buggy-profile" if AppArmor has been identified as culprit
* use the tag "merge-to-upstream" if an AppArmor profile has been
modified for Debian and changes should be merged back upstream
* use the tag "modify-profile" if a package maintainer should modify an
already shipped profile. This implies that changes should be merged
upstream and into the Debian package.
* use the tag "merge-from-upstream" if you want to request an update to
a shipped AppArmor profile to include upstream improvements
* use the tag "new-profile" if you want to request that a new profile is
included, or if you work on this new profile and try to get it merged
* use the tag "platform" if you encounter problems with AppArmor support
in any related tool (systemd, auditd, syslog, etc.)
Please tag those bugs for the
`pkg-apparmor-team at lists.alioth.debian.org` user.
More information and help with usertags:
Contact us
Email: pkg-apparmor-team at lists.alioth.debian.org
IRC: #apparmor on irc.oftc.net (general AppArmor discussion channel)
Your feedback is most welcome as we will send an announcement to
debian-devel-announce soon.
Best regards,
Ulrike for the Debian AppArmor Team
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