[Pkg-clamav-devel] 獎盃、獎牌、水晶廠價直銷
giftcnlau at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 06:35:01 UTC 2015
如閣下未能閱讀此郵件,請按此。 If you can’t see the image below, please click here 獎盃、獎牌、銀碟、水晶製品、金屬證書 Trophies, medals, silver plate, crystal products, certificates 科銘獎盃實業公司 專業提供各類金屬獎盃、獎牌、水晶獎座、銀牒、亞加歷膠座、金屬証書、木製紀念品及商務禮品,產品種類繁多。我們致力為不同機構及客戶服務,涵蓋層面廣泛,包括:公司、大學、銀行和其他機構。按客戶要求度身訂造專屬的獎盃,以迎合客戶所需,不斷開拓嶄新產品來符合客戶不同需要。。本公司以專業、誠懇的態度為客戶服務,歡迎各界人士查詢. Coralart Trophy Industrial Company specializes in providing all kinds of metal trophies, plaques, crystal trophies, silver dispatch, acrylic calendar holder plastic, metal certificates, wooden souvenirs and business gifts. We are committed to service with different customer and organizations, including: companies, universities, banks and other institutions. Can be designed according to customer requirements, and develop new products to meet the demands of customer. Our service in a professional and sincere attitude to customer, Please feel free to contact us. 如欲查看更多產品, 請前往本公司網站 |To see more products, Please visit our website: www.coralart.diytrade.com 電郵 | Email giftcn at yeah.net 客服直線|Inquire Andy Lau : 5114 2370 Katrick Wong : 6189 8347 科銘實業公司 Coralart Industrial Company 地址:香港九龍觀塘開源道73-75號業發工業大廈第二期三樓H10室 Address:Room H10,3/F., Phase 2, Yip Fat Industrial Building ,73-75 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong 如要取消訂閱,請到此處。 If you don’t wish to receive our Newsletter, please click here.
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