[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#816272: Bug#816272: Bug#816272: clamav-freshclam: logrotate errors out with "gzip: stdin: file size changed while zipping"

Sebastian Andrzej Siewior sebastian at breakpoint.cc
Mon Mar 7 21:00:42 UTC 2016

On 2016-03-06 12:30:59 [+0100], Christian Pernegger wrote:
> > When you select `cron' in debconf then it will roll the big dice
> Tried that yesterday, result:
> 18 */12 * * *    clamav [ -x /usr/bin/freshclam ] &&
> /usr/bin/freshclam --quiet >/dev/null
> It now runs at 18 past noon and midnight, but I still got a
> (different) error e-mail this morning:
> /etc/cron.daily/logrotate:
> error: error running non-shared postrotate script for
> /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log of '/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log '
> run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate exited with return code 1

now there is nothing.

> Maybe that's just an artefact of the recent debconf run, we'll see in a week.
> > So *I* really think just adding the extra option to lograte is the simplest
> > thing to do.
> I'd love to but it is already in there as standard:

yes, indeed. I somehow though that it was not. But that makes no sense
then. It rotates the freshclam.log to freshclam.log.0 on the first week
and on the second week it performs gzip on freshclam.log.0. freshclam
should no longer have a handle on it.
Could you try to force a lograte? The -v option of lorotate might give
more information on what is going on.

> Christian


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