[Pkg-clamav-devel] 7 vulnerabilites closed

Domaintechnik.at | Franz Reischenböck fjr at domaintechnik.at
Fri Jan 26 08:58:37 UTC 2018

Hi there!

ClamAV published 0.99.3, the successor of 0.99.2, yesterday.
Version numbering is a bit confusing, because they renamed there
devel/beta-version from 0.99.3 to 0.100 prior to their 0.99.3-update-release
for 0.99.2.
Therefore, your 0.99.3-branches are ClamAV's 0.100.x-software now and 0.99.2
should get the patches from ClamAV's 0.99.3 soon.

It looks like there are already manipulated PDF documents out in the wild,
which causes crashes/failures of clamav-daemon on jessie and stretch servers
where ClamAV is used to scan mails and their attachments.

Kind Regards,
Franz Josef Reischenböck
T: +43.621520888
F: +43.621520889
E: fjr at domaintechnik.at

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Registered company name: Ledl.net GmbH
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Management: Friedrich Ledl, Franz Reischenböck

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