[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#934094: buster-pu: package clamav/0.101.2+dfsg-1+deb10u1

Sebastian Andrzej Siewior sebastian at breakpoint.cc
Tue Aug 6 22:53:02 BST 2019

Package: release.debian.org
User: release.debian.org at packages.debian.org
Usertags: pu
Tags: buster
Severity: normal

Clamav upstream released 0.101.3 which is a "security patch release"
only. It is described [0] as:

|ClamAV 0.101.3 is a patch release to address a vulnerability to non-recursive
|zip bombs.
|A Denial-of-Service (DoS) vulnerability may occur when scanning a zip bomb as a
|result of excessively long scan times. The issue is resolved by detecting the
|overlapping local file headers which characterize the non-recursive zip bomb
|described by David Fifield.

It also contains an updated libmspack but this is not included in the
repacked orig file since the in-archive libmspack is used.

I cherry-picked the version update and the zip fix from upstream and
prepared an upload for Buster.

[0] https://blog.clamav.net/2019/08/clamav-01013-security-patch-release-and.html

-------------- next part --------------
diff -Nru clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/changelog clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/changelog
--- clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/changelog	2019-03-30 16:25:48.000000000 +0100
+++ clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/changelog	2019-08-06 22:07:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+clamav (0.101.2+dfsg-1+deb10u1) buster; urgency=medium
+  * Cherry-pick a fix from 0.101.3 to address a vulnerability to
+    non-recursive zip bombs.
+ -- Sebastian Andrzej Siewior <sebastian at breakpoint.cc>  Tue, 06 Aug 2019 22:07:01 +0200
 clamav (0.101.2+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=high
   * Import 0.101.2
diff -Nru clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/.git-dpm clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/.git-dpm
--- clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/.git-dpm	2019-03-30 15:32:49.000000000 +0100
+++ clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/.git-dpm	2019-08-06 22:02:44.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # see git-dpm(1) from git-dpm package
diff -Nru clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/patches/Adds-detection-and-heuristic-alert-for-zips-with-ove.patch clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/patches/Adds-detection-and-heuristic-alert-for-zips-with-ove.patch
--- clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/patches/Adds-detection-and-heuristic-alert-for-zips-with-ove.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/patches/Adds-detection-and-heuristic-alert-for-zips-with-ove.patch	2019-08-06 22:02:44.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+From f9c686061408a8a6378bb089e57c541713fb8a7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Micah Snyder <micasnyd at cisco.com>
+Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 21:09:45 -0400
+Subject: Adds detection and heuristic alert for zips with overlapping files,
+ preventing extraction of non-recursive zip bombs.
+Patch-Name: Adds-detection-and-heuristic-alert-for-zips-with-ove.patch
+Signed-off-by: Sebastian Andrzej Siewior <sebastian at breakpoint.cc>
+ NEWS.md           | 15 ++++++----
+ libclamav/unzip.c | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
+ 2 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
+index 3cd2587..76d8474 100644
+--- a/NEWS.md
++++ b/NEWS.md
+@@ -5,14 +5,17 @@ Note: This file refers to the source tarball. Things described here may differ
+ ## 0.101.3
+-ClamAV 0.101.3 is a patch release...
++ClamAV 0.101.3 is a patch release to address a vulnerability to non-recursive
++zip bombs.
+-- Fixes for the following vulnerabilities affecting 0.101.2 and prior:
+-  -
++A Denial-of-Service (DoS) vulnerability may occur when scanning a zip bomb as a
++result of excessively long scan times. The issue is resolved by detecting the
++overlapping local file headers which characterize the non-recursive zip bomb
++described by David Fifield,
+-Additional thanks to the following community members for submitting bug reports:
++Thank you to Hanno Böck for reporting the issue as it relates to ClamAV,
+ ## 0.101.2
+diff --git a/libclamav/unzip.c b/libclamav/unzip.c
+index 0216908..a67b92d 100644
+--- a/libclamav/unzip.c
++++ b/libclamav/unzip.c
+@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
+ #include "unzip.h"
+ #define ZIP_CRC32(r,c,b,l)			\
+     do {					\
+ 	r = crc32(~c,b,l);			\
+@@ -493,14 +495,14 @@ static inline int zdecrypt(const uint8_t *src, uint32_t csize, uint32_t usize, c
+ 	if (pass_zip)
+ 	    pass_zip = pass_zip->next;
+ 	else
+-	    pass_any = pass_any->next;	    
++	    pass_any = pass_any->next;
+     }
+     cli_dbgmsg("cli_unzip: decrypt - skipping encrypted file, no valid passwords\n");
+     return CL_SUCCESS;
+ }
+-static unsigned int lhdr(fmap_t *map, uint32_t loff,uint32_t zsize, unsigned int *fu, unsigned int fc, const uint8_t *ch, int *ret, cli_ctx *ctx, char *tmpd, int detect_encrypted, zip_cb zcb) {
++static unsigned int lhdr(fmap_t *map, uint32_t loff,uint32_t zsize, unsigned int *fu, unsigned int fc, const uint8_t *ch, int *ret, cli_ctx *ctx, char *tmpd, int detect_encrypted, zip_cb zcb, uint32_t *file_local_header_size, uint32_t* file_local_data_size) {
+   const uint8_t *lh, *zip;
+   char name[256];
+   uint32_t csize, usize;
+@@ -563,7 +565,7 @@ static unsigned int lhdr(fmap_t *map, uint32_t loff,uint32_t zsize, unsigned int
+     }
+     virus_found = 1;
+   }
+   if(LH_flags & F_USEDD) {
+     cli_dbgmsg("cli_unzip: lh - has data desc\n");
+     if(!ch) {
+@@ -581,6 +583,11 @@ static unsigned int lhdr(fmap_t *map, uint32_t loff,uint32_t zsize, unsigned int
+   zip+=LH_elen;
+   zsize-=LH_elen;
++  if (NULL != file_local_header_size)
++      *file_local_header_size = zip - lh;
++  if (NULL != file_local_data_size)
++      *file_local_data_size = csize;
+   if (!csize) { /* FIXME: what's used for method0 files? csize or usize? Nothing in the specs, needs testing */
+       cli_dbgmsg("cli_unzip: lh - skipping empty file\n");
+   } else {
+@@ -589,6 +596,7 @@ static unsigned int lhdr(fmap_t *map, uint32_t loff,uint32_t zsize, unsigned int
+ 	  fmap_unneed_off(map, loff, SIZEOF_LH);
+ 	  return 0;
+       }
+       if(LH_flags & F_ENCR) {
+ 	  if(fmap_need_ptr_once(map, zip, csize))
+ 	      *ret = zdecrypt(zip, csize, usize, lh, fu, ctx, tmpd, zcb);
+@@ -624,12 +632,19 @@ static unsigned int lhdr(fmap_t *map, uint32_t loff,uint32_t zsize, unsigned int
+   return zip-lh;
+ }
+-static unsigned int chdr(fmap_t *map, uint32_t coff, uint32_t zsize, unsigned int *fu, unsigned int fc, int *ret, cli_ctx *ctx, char *tmpd, struct zip_requests *requests) {
++static unsigned int chdr(fmap_t *map, uint32_t coff, uint32_t zsize, unsigned int *fu, unsigned int fc, int *ret, cli_ctx *ctx, char *tmpd, struct zip_requests *requests, uint32_t *file_local_offset, uint32_t *file_local_header_size, uint32_t *file_local_data_size) {
+   char name[256];
+   int last = 0;
+   const uint8_t *ch;
+   int virus_found = 0;
++  if (NULL != file_local_offset)
++      *file_local_offset = 0;
++  if (NULL != file_local_header_size)
++      *file_local_header_size = 0;
++  if (NULL != file_local_data_size)
++      *file_local_data_size = 0;
+   if(!(ch = fmap_need_off(map, coff, SIZEOF_CH)) || CH_magic != 0x02014b50) {
+       if(ch) fmap_unneed_ptr(map, ch, SIZEOF_CH);
+       cli_dbgmsg("cli_unzip: ch - wrkcomplete\n");
+@@ -674,7 +689,9 @@ static unsigned int chdr(fmap_t *map, uint32_t coff, uint32_t zsize, unsigned in
+   if (!requests) {
+       if(CH_off<zsize-SIZEOF_LH) {
+-          lhdr(map, CH_off, zsize-CH_off, fu, fc, ch, ret, ctx, tmpd, 1, zip_scan_cb);
++          if (NULL != file_local_offset)
++              *file_local_offset = CH_off;
++          lhdr(map, CH_off, zsize-CH_off, fu, fc, ch, ret, ctx, tmpd, 1, zip_scan_cb, file_local_header_size, file_local_data_size);
+       } else cli_dbgmsg("cli_unzip: ch - local hdr out of file\n");
+   }
+   else {
+@@ -685,7 +702,7 @@ static unsigned int chdr(fmap_t *map, uint32_t coff, uint32_t zsize, unsigned in
+           for (i = 0; i < requests->namecnt; ++i) {
+               cli_dbgmsg("checking for %i: %s\n", i, requests->names[i]);
+-              len = MIN(sizeof(name)-1, requests->namelens[i]);      
++              len = MIN(sizeof(name)-1, requests->namelens[i]);
+               if (!strncmp(requests->names[i], name, len)) {
+                   requests->match = 1;
+                   requests->found = i;
+@@ -712,6 +729,13 @@ int cli_unzip(cli_ctx *ctx) {
+   int toval = 0;
+ #endif
++  int bZipBombDetected                 = 0;
++  uint32_t cur_file_local_offset       = 0;
++  uint32_t cur_file_local_header_size  = 0;
++  uint32_t cur_file_local_data_size    = 0;
++  uint32_t prev_file_local_offset      = 0;
++  uint32_t prev_file_local_header_size = 0;
++  uint32_t prev_file_local_data_size   = 0;
+   cli_dbgmsg("in cli_unzip\n");
+   fsize = (uint32_t)map->len;
+@@ -744,20 +768,48 @@ int cli_unzip(cli_ctx *ctx) {
+   }
+   if(coff) {
++      uint32_t nOverlappingFiles = 0;
+       cli_dbgmsg("cli_unzip: central @%x\n", coff);
+-      while((coff=chdr(map, coff, fsize, &fu, fc+1, &ret, ctx, tmpd, NULL))) {
++      while((coff=chdr(map, coff, fsize, &fu, fc+1, &ret, ctx, tmpd, NULL, &cur_file_local_offset, &cur_file_local_header_size, &cur_file_local_data_size))) {
+ 	  fc++;
+ 	  if (ctx->engine->maxfiles && fu>=ctx->engine->maxfiles) {
+ 	      cli_dbgmsg("cli_unzip: Files limit reached (max: %u)\n", ctx->engine->maxfiles);
+ 	      ret=CL_EMAXFILES;
+ 	  }
++    /*
++     * Detect overlapping files and zip bombs.
++     */
++    if ((((cur_file_local_offset > prev_file_local_offset) && (cur_file_local_offset < prev_file_local_offset + prev_file_local_header_size + prev_file_local_data_size)) ||
++         ((prev_file_local_offset > cur_file_local_offset) && (prev_file_local_offset < cur_file_local_offset + cur_file_local_header_size + cur_file_local_data_size))) &&
++        (cur_file_local_header_size + cur_file_local_data_size > 0)) {
++        /* Overlapping file detected */
++        nOverlappingFiles++;
++        cli_dbgmsg("cli_unzip: Overlapping files detected.\n");
++        cli_dbgmsg("    previous file end:  %u\n", prev_file_local_offset + prev_file_local_header_size + prev_file_local_data_size);
++        cli_dbgmsg("    current file start: %u\n", cur_file_local_offset);
++        if (ZIP_MAX_NUM_OVERLAPPING_FILES < nOverlappingFiles) {
++          if (SCAN_HEURISTICS) {
++              ret         = cli_append_virus(ctx, "Heuristics.Zip.OverlappingFiles");
++              virus_found = 1;
++          } else {
++              ret = CL_EFORMAT;
++          }
++          bZipBombDetected = 1;
++        }
++    }
++    prev_file_local_offset      = cur_file_local_offset;
++    prev_file_local_header_size = cur_file_local_header_size;
++    prev_file_local_data_size   = cur_file_local_data_size;
+           if (cli_json_timeout_cycle_check(ctx, &toval) != CL_SUCCESS) {
+               ret=CL_ETIMEOUT;
+           }
+ #endif
+           if (ret != CL_CLEAN) {
+-              if (ret == CL_VIRUS && SCAN_ALLMATCHES) {
++              if (ret == CL_VIRUS && SCAN_ALLMATCHES && !bZipBombDetected) {
+                   ret = CL_CLEAN;
+                   virus_found = 1;
+               } else
+@@ -769,7 +821,7 @@ int cli_unzip(cli_ctx *ctx) {
+       ret = CL_VIRUS;
+   if(fu<=(fc/4)) { /* FIXME: make up a sane ratio or remove the whole logic */
+     fc = 0;
+-    while (ret==CL_CLEAN && lhoff<fsize && (coff=lhdr(map, lhoff, fsize-lhoff, &fu, fc+1, NULL, &ret, ctx, tmpd, 1, zip_scan_cb))) {
++    while (ret==CL_CLEAN && lhoff<fsize && (coff=lhdr(map, lhoff, fsize-lhoff, &fu, fc+1, NULL, &ret, ctx, tmpd, 1, zip_scan_cb, NULL, NULL))) {
+       fc++;
+       lhoff+=coff;
+       if (SCAN_ALLMATCHES && ret == CL_VIRUS) {
+@@ -816,7 +868,7 @@ int unzip_single_internal(cli_ctx *ctx, off_t lhoffl, zip_cb zcb)
+     return CL_CLEAN;
+   }
+-  lhdr(map, lhoffl, fsize, &fu, 0, NULL, &ret, ctx, NULL, 0, zcb);
++  lhdr(map, lhoffl, fsize, &fu, 0, NULL, &ret, ctx, NULL, 0, zcb, NULL, NULL);
+   return ret;
+ }
+@@ -886,7 +938,7 @@ int unzip_search(cli_ctx *ctx, fmap_t *map, struct zip_requests *requests)
+     if(coff) {
+         cli_dbgmsg("unzip_search: central @%x\n", coff);
+-        while(ret==CL_CLEAN && (coff=chdr(zmap, coff, fsize, NULL, fc+1, &ret, ctx, NULL, requests))) {
++        while(ret==CL_CLEAN && (coff=chdr(zmap, coff, fsize, NULL, fc+1, &ret, ctx, NULL, requests, NULL, NULL, NULL))) {
+             if (requests->match) {
+                 ret=CL_VIRUS;
+             }
diff -Nru clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/patches/Bumped-version-number-to-0.101.3.patch clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/patches/Bumped-version-number-to-0.101.3.patch
--- clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/patches/Bumped-version-number-to-0.101.3.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/patches/Bumped-version-number-to-0.101.3.patch	2019-08-06 22:02:44.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+From 9e0d7c6a42bb6f5b17f1696e3b69cc1714142223 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Micah Snyder <micasnyd at cisco.com>
+Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 17:16:42 -0400
+Subject: Bumped version number to 0.101.3.
+Patch-Name: Bumped-version-number-to-0.101.3.patch
+[sebastian at breakpoint.cc: remove "configure" and "win32/"]
+Signed-off-by: Sebastian Andrzej Siewior <sebastian at breakpoint.cc>
+ NEWS.md                                 | 109 +++++++++++++-----------
+ configure.ac                            |   6 +-
+ docs/UserManual.md                      |   2 +-
+ docs/UserManual/Installation-Windows.md |   8 +-
+ m4/reorganization/version.m4            |   4 +-
+ 5 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
+index 7f992b8..3cd2587 100644
+--- a/NEWS.md
++++ b/NEWS.md
+@@ -1,7 +1,18 @@
+ # ClamAV News
+ Note: This file refers to the source tarball. Things described here may differ
+- slightly from the binary packages.
++ slight
++## 0.101.3
++ClamAV 0.101.3 is a patch release...
++- Fixes for the following vulnerabilities affecting 0.101.2 and prior:
++  -
++Additional thanks to the following community members for submitting bug reports:
+ ## 0.101.2
+@@ -508,7 +519,7 @@ ClamAV 0.99.4 is a hotfix release to patch a set of vulnerabilities.
+   a handful of other important bugs, including patches to support g++ 6, C++11.
+ Thank you to the following ClamAV community members for your code
+-submissions and bug reports! 
++submissions and bug reports!
+ Alberto Garcia
+ Bernhard Vogel
+@@ -550,7 +561,7 @@ ClamAV 0.99.2 is a release of bug fixes and minor enhancements.
+ - fix ups improving the reliability of several ClamAV file parsers.
+ - sigtool now decodes file type signatures (e.g., daily.ftm CVD file).
+ - now supporting libpcre2 in addition to libpcre.
+-- systemd support for clamd and freshclam. Patch provided by 
++- systemd support for clamd and freshclam. Patch provided by
+   Andreas Cadhalpun.
+ - fixed builds on Mac OS X 10.10 & 10.11.
+ - improved debug info for certificate metadata.
+@@ -592,7 +603,7 @@ Thanks to the following community members for code submissions used in
+ ## 0.99
+-ClamAV 0.99 contains major new features and changes. YARA rules, 
++ClamAV 0.99 contains major new features and changes. YARA rules,
+ Perl Compatible Regular Expressions, revamped on-access scanning
+ for Linux, and other new features join the many great features of ClamAV:
+@@ -603,10 +614,10 @@ Perl Compatible Regular Expressions, revamped on-access scanning
+   for full details.
+ - New and improved on-access scanning for Linux. See the recent blog
+   post and clamdoc.pdf for details on the new on-access capabilities.
+-- A new ClamAV API callback function that is invoked when a virus 
+-  is found. This is intended primarily for applications running in 
+-  all-match mode. Any applications using all-match mode must use 
+-  the new callback function to record and report detected viruses.    
++- A new ClamAV API callback function that is invoked when a virus
++  is found. This is intended primarily for applications running in
++  all-match mode. Any applications using all-match mode must use
++  the new callback function to record and report detected viruses.
+ - Configurable default password list to attempt zip file decryption.
+ - TIFF file support.
+ - Upgrade Windows pthread library to 2.9.1.
+@@ -643,7 +654,7 @@ Thank you to the ClamAV community members who sent patches and bug reports
+ ## 0.98.7
+ ClamAV 0.98.7 is here! This release contains new scanning features
+-and bug fixes. 
++and bug fixes.
+ - Improvements to PDF processing: decryption, escape sequence
+   handling, and file property collection.
+@@ -663,7 +674,7 @@ and bug fixes.
+   CVE-2015-2668.
+ - Fix compilation error after ./configure --disable-pthreads.
+   Reported and fix suggested by John E. Krokes.
+-- Apply upstream patch for possible heap overflow in Henry Spencer's 
++- Apply upstream patch for possible heap overflow in Henry Spencer's
+   regex library. CVE-2015-2305.
+ - Fix crash in upx decoder with crafted file. Discovered and patch
+   supplied by Sebastian Andrzej Siewior. CVE-2015-2170.
+@@ -704,7 +715,7 @@ Kai Risku
+ - Compensate a crash due to incorrect compiler optimization when
+   handling crafted petite packer files. This issue was discovered
+   by Sebastian Andrzej Siewior.
+ Thanks to the following ClamAV community members for code submissions
+ and bug reporting included in ClamAV 0.98.6:
+@@ -803,17 +814,17 @@ Sebastian Andrzej Siewior
+   about OpenIOC.
+ - All ClamAV sockets (clamd, freshclam, clamav-milter, clamdscan, clamdtop)
+   now support IPV6 addresses and configuration parameters.
+-- Use OpenSSL file hash functions for improved performance. OpenSSL 
++- Use OpenSSL file hash functions for improved performance. OpenSSL
+   is now prerequisite software for ClamAV 0.98.2.
+ - Improved detection of malware scripts within image files. Issue reported
+   by Maarten Broekman.
+ - Change to circumvent possible denial of service when processing icons within
+   specially crafted PE files. Icon limits are now in place with corresponding
+-  clamd and clamscan configuration parameters. This issue was reported by 
++  clamd and clamscan configuration parameters. This issue was reported by
+   Joxean Koret.
+ - Improvements to the fidelity of the ClamAV pattern matcher, an issue
+   reported by Christian Blichmann.
+-- Opt-in collection of statistics. Statistics collected are: sizes and MD5 
++- Opt-in collection of statistics. Statistics collected are: sizes and MD5
+   hashes of files, PE file section counts and section MD5 hashes, and names
+   and counts of detected viruses. Enable statistics collection with the
+   --enable-stats clamscan flag or StatsEnabled clamd configuration
+@@ -822,7 +833,7 @@ Sebastian Andrzej Siewior
+   assistance and suggestions by Sebastian Andrzej Siewior, Scott Kitterman,
+   and Dave Simonson.
+ - Patch by Arkadiusz Miskiewicz to improve error handling in freshclam.
+-- ClamAV 0.98.2 also includes miscellaneous bug fixes and documentation 
++- ClamAV 0.98.2 also includes miscellaneous bug fixes and documentation
+   improvements.
+ Thanks to the following ClamAV community members for sending patches or reporting
+@@ -841,7 +852,7 @@ Christian Blichmann
+ In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
+-permission to link the code of portions of this program with the 
++permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
+ OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
+ individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
+ including the two.
+@@ -849,20 +860,20 @@ including the two.
+ You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
+ for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify
+ file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
+-version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so.  If you 
++version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so.  If you
+ do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
+ version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source
+ files in the program, then also delete it here.
+ ## 0.98.1
+-ClamAV 0.98.1 provides improved support of Mac OS X platform, support for new file types, and 
++ClamAV 0.98.1 provides improved support of Mac OS X platform, support for new file types, and
+ quality improvements. These include:
+ - Extraction, decompression, and scanning of files within Apple Disk Image (DMG) format.
+ - Extraction, decompression, and scanning of files within Extensible Archive (XAR) format.
+-  XAR format is commonly used for software packaging, such as PKG and RPM, as well as 
++  XAR format is commonly used for software packaging, such as PKG and RPM, as well as
+   general archival.
+ - Decompression and scanning of files in "Xz" compression format.
+@@ -877,7 +888,7 @@ ClamAV 0.98.1 provides improved support of Mac OS X platform, support for new fi
+   performance cost. This should only be needed when callback functions are used
+   that need file access.
+-- Various improvements to ClamAV configuration, support of third party libraries, 
++- Various improvements to ClamAV configuration, support of third party libraries,
+   and unit tests.
+ ## 0.98
+@@ -915,8 +926,8 @@ support for additional filetypes, and internal upgrades.
+ - New callbacks added to the API: The libclamav API has additional hooks
+   for developers to use when wrapping ClamAV scanning. These function
+-  types are prefixed with "clcb_" and allow developers to add logic at 
+-  certain steps of the scanning process without directly modifying the 
++  types are prefixed with "clcb_" and allow developers to add logic at
++  certain steps of the scanning process without directly modifying the
+   library. For more details refer to the clamav.h file.
+ - More configurable limits: Several hardcoded values are now configurable
+@@ -962,20 +973,20 @@ reported as scan result."
+ ## 0.97.5
+-ClamAV 0.97.5 addresses possible evasion cases in some archive formats 
+-(CVE-2012-1457, CVE-2012-1458, CVE-2012-1459). It also addresses stability 
+-issues in portions of the bytecode engine. This release is recommended for 
++ClamAV 0.97.5 addresses possible evasion cases in some archive formats
++(CVE-2012-1457, CVE-2012-1458, CVE-2012-1459). It also addresses stability
++issues in portions of the bytecode engine. This release is recommended for
+ all users.
+ ## 0.97.4
+-ClamAV 0.97.4 includes minor bugfixes, detection improvements and initial 
+-support for on-access scanning under Mac OS X (see contrib/ClamAuth). 
++ClamAV 0.97.4 includes minor bugfixes, detection improvements and initial
++support for on-access scanning under Mac OS X (see contrib/ClamAuth).
+ This update is recommended for all users.
+ ## 0.97.3
+-ClamAV 0.97.3 is a minor bugfix release and is recommended for all 
++ClamAV 0.97.3 is a minor bugfix release and is recommended for all
+ users. Please refer to the ChangeLog file for details.
+ ## 0.97.2
+@@ -996,9 +1007,9 @@ The ClamAV team (https://www.clamav.net/about.html#credits)
+ ClamAV 0.97 brings many improvements, including complete Windows support
+ (all major components compile out-of-box under Visual Studio), support for
+-signatures based on SHA1 and SHA256, better error detection, as well as 
+-speed and memory optimizations. The complete list of changes is available 
+-in the ChangeLog file. For upgrade notes and tips please see: 
++signatures based on SHA1 and SHA256, better error detection, as well as
++speed and memory optimizations. The complete list of changes is available
++in the ChangeLog file. For upgrade notes and tips please see:
+ https://wiki.clamav.net/Main/UpgradeNotes097
+ With Sourcefire, Inc. acquisition of Immunet Corp., ClamAV for Windows
+@@ -1009,7 +1020,7 @@ the full power of the LibClamAV engine, all the ClamAV signatures,
+ and creation of custom signatures on any platform running Immunet 3.0,
+ powered by ClamAV. If you run Windows systems in your environment and
+ need an AV solution to protect them, give Immunet 3.0, powered by ClamAV
+-a try; you can download it from https://www.clamav.net/download.html#otherversions 
++a try; you can download it from https://www.clamav.net/download.html#otherversions
+ --
+ The ClamAV team (https://www.clamav.net/about.html#credits)
+@@ -1401,7 +1412,7 @@ The ClamAV team (https://www.clamav.net/about.html#credits)
+ ## 0.90.3
+ This release fixes some security bugs in libclamav and improves stability
+-under Solaris. Please see ChangeLog for complete list of changes. 
++under Solaris. Please see ChangeLog for complete list of changes.
+ If your system is suffering from long clamscan startup times, please
+ consider installing 0.91rc1 which is due to be released shortly
+@@ -1455,9 +1466,9 @@ systems yet. You are encouraged to pass the --enable-experimental flag to
+ improvements in terms of detection rate and performances. If you find a bug,
+ please take some time to report it on our bugzilla: https://bugzilla.clamav.net.
+ Your help in testing the new code is really appreciated. The experimental code
+-introduces many improvements in terms of detection rate and performances. 
++introduces many improvements in terms of detection rate and performances.
+-RAR3, SIS and SFX archives support is finally available together with 
++RAR3, SIS and SFX archives support is finally available together with
+ new unpackers and decryptors: pespin, sue, yc, wwpack32, nspack, mew, upack
+ and others. Additionally, ClamAV now includes better mechanisms for scanning
+ ELF, PDF and tar files. The email decoding has been improved to reduce both
+@@ -1466,10 +1477,10 @@ the memory requirements and the time taken to process attachments.
+ As part of the Google Summer of Code program, we have introduced support for
+ a new phishing signatures format that has proved very effective in detecting
+ phishing emails. The ClamAV phishing module allows better and more generic
+-detection of phishing emails by searching for URLs in email messages, and 
+-comparing the real site with the URL displayed to the user in the message. 
++detection of phishing emails by searching for URLs in email messages, and
++comparing the real site with the URL displayed to the user in the message.
+-On the performance side, support for the MULTISCAN command has been 
++On the performance side, support for the MULTISCAN command has been
+ implemented in clamd, allowing to scan multiple files simultaneously.
+ Support for Sensory Networks' NodalCore acceleration technology
+ (https://www.clamav.net/nodalcore/) is now available in ClamAV and will be
+@@ -1568,7 +1579,7 @@ NodalCore cards.
+ - mod_streamav - a ClamAV based antivirus filter for Apache 2
+ - pyClamd - a python interface to Clamd
+-More information at https://www.clamav.net/download.html#tools 
++More information at https://www.clamav.net/download.html#tools
+ --
+ The ClamAV team (https://www.clamav.net/about.html#credits)
+@@ -1622,7 +1633,7 @@ architectures and possible security problem in freshclam.
+ Following the 0.88.1 release some portals and security related websites
+ published incorrect information on security problems of 0.88. To avoid
+ such incidents in the future, every new ClamAV package will be released
+-together with detailed information about security bugs it fixes. 
++together with detailed information about security bugs it fixes.
+ --
+ The ClamAV team (https://www.clamav.net/about.html#credits)
+@@ -1892,7 +1903,7 @@ Important note to clamdwatch users: please upgrade to the latest version
+   - simscan - an e-mail and spam filter for qmail
+   - smtpfilter - scan SMTP session for viruses
+   - snort-inline - scan your network traffic for viruses with ClamAV
+-  - SquidClamAV Redirector - a Squid helper script which adds virus scanning 
++  - SquidClamAV Redirector - a Squid helper script which adds virus scanning
+   - WRAVLib - a library for a-v integration with Mono/.NET applications
+ --
+@@ -2050,7 +2061,7 @@ up with or beating the proprietary alternatives." Thanks!
+ SourceWear.com is selling some very nice t-shirts and polo shirts powered by
+ ClamAV. Wear them and virus writers will stay away from you :- A quarter out
+ of every dollar profited from the sale of these shirts will go to the ClamAV
+-project. Visit http://www.sourcewear.com and click on ClamAV logo! 
++project. Visit http://www.sourcewear.com and click on ClamAV logo!
+ --
+ The ClamAV team (https://www.clamav.net/about.html#credits)
+@@ -2071,7 +2082,7 @@ We have been distributing the database in both formats till now, but
+ we plan to drop support for ClamAV 0.60 on September 1st.
+ We encourage _all_ users to upgrade to the latest release available.
+-People running an old version of ClamAV are missing many viruses and 
++People running an old version of ClamAV are missing many viruses and
+ may experience stability problems.
+ On non-production systems you can try the latest development version.
+@@ -2109,7 +2120,7 @@ The ClamAV team (https://www.clamav.net/about.html#credits)
+ ## 0.73
+ This version fixes memory management problems in the OLE2 decoder and
+-improves mail scanning. 
++improves mail scanning.
+ Thank you for using ClamAV !
+@@ -2132,7 +2143,7 @@ This release fixes all bugs found in 0.70 and introduces a few new features -
+ the noteworthy changes include:
+ - libclamav:
+-  - support nested OLE2 files 
++  - support nested OLE2 files
+   - support Word6 macro code
+   - ignore popular file types (media, graphics)
+   - support compress.exe (SZDD) compression (test/test.msc)
+@@ -2367,7 +2378,7 @@ the highest possible level.
+ New mirroring mechanisms. Luca Gibelli (ClamAV) and mirror administrators
+ (22 sites) are converting mirrors to new "push mirroring"
+ method. It uses advanced techniques to ensure all the mirrors are up to date.
+-More info: https://www.clamav.net/documents/introduction 
++More info: https://www.clamav.net/documents/introduction
+ We would like to thank our donors:
+@@ -2540,7 +2551,7 @@ performance is required. Please check clamdoc for more detail.
+   - various mbox code updates (fixed memory leak; added support for decoding
+     viruses sent in message bodies, detection of viruses that put their
+     payloads after the end of message marker (thanks to Stephen White
+-    <stephen at earth.li> for the bug report and useful CGI tools); 
++    <stephen at earth.li> for the bug report and useful CGI tools);
+   - zziplib updated to 0.10.81 (some problems with older version were reported
+     by Martin Schitter)
+@@ -2681,7 +2692,7 @@ attachement file names.
+ ## 0.52
+ This version contains a portability fixes - it should compile on OpenBSD,
+-MacOSX and NetBSD (support for them was broken in 0.51). 
++MacOSX and NetBSD (support for them was broken in 0.51).
+ - clamd: various fixes:
+   - drop supplementary groups (suggested by Enrico Scholz
+@@ -2751,7 +2762,7 @@ Please check the manual for more information.
+ - clamd: a modern anti-virus daemon. It uses configuration file clamav.conf
+   described in the clamav.conf(5) manual. The program was written with
+-  security as a goal. 
++  security as a goal.
+ - clamuko: on-access scanning under Linux. It utilizes Dazuko kernel module
+   (GPL, http://dazuko.org) and is clamd-based.
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 88ff4ff..277a2d8 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ dnl   MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ AC_PREREQ([2.59])
+ dnl For a release change [devel] to the real version [0.xy]
+ dnl also change VERSION below
+-AC_INIT([ClamAV], [0.101.2], [https://bugzilla.clamav.net/], [clamav], [https://www.clamav.net/])
++AC_INIT([ClamAV], [0.101.3], [https://bugzilla.clamav.net/], [clamav], [https://www.clamav.net/])
+ dnl enable C++
+@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ else
+     if test "X$have_curl" != "Xyes" && test "X$have_json" != "Xyes"; then
+         CL_MSG_STATUS([clamsubmit  ], [no (missing libjson-c-dev AND libcurl-devel. Use the website to submit FPs/FNs.)], [no])
+     else
+-        if test "X$have_curl" = "Xyes"; then 
++        if test "X$have_curl" = "Xyes"; then
+             CL_MSG_STATUS([clamsubmit  ], [no (missing libjson-c-dev. Use the website to submit FPs/FNs.)], [no])
+         else
+             CL_MSG_STATUS([clamsubmit  ], [no (missing libcurl-devel. Use the website to submit FPs/FNs.)], [no])
+@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ else
+     CL_MSG_STATUS([pcre        ],[$PCRE_HOME],[$have_pcre])
+ fi
+ CL_MSG_STATUS([libmspack   ],[yes],[$mspack_msg])
+-if test "x$XML_LIBS" = "x"; then 
++if test "x$XML_LIBS" = "x"; then
+     CL_MSG_STATUS([libxml2     ],[no],[])
+ else
+     CL_MSG_STATUS([libxml2     ],[yes, from $XML_HOME],[])
+diff --git a/docs/UserManual.md b/docs/UserManual.md
+index 567e14b..7435bdd 100644
+--- a/docs/UserManual.md
++++ b/docs/UserManual.md
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-# Clam AntiVirus 0.101.2 *User Manual*
++# Clam AntiVirus 0.101.3 *User Manual*
+ ![image](UserManual/images/demon.png)
+diff --git a/docs/UserManual/Installation-Windows.md b/docs/UserManual/Installation-Windows.md
+index 5a693f9..a6d6c9a 100644
+--- a/docs/UserManual/Installation-Windows.md
++++ b/docs/UserManual/Installation-Windows.md
+@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ If you wish to build ClamAV from source using Visual Studio 2015, please head ov
+ Important: Installing ClamAV using the Installer will require Administrator privileges.
+-1. Download: http://www.clamav.net/downloads/production/ClamAV-0.101.2.exe
++1. Download: http://www.clamav.net/downloads/production/ClamAV-0.101.3.exe
+ 2. Locate the file in your Downloads directory.
+-3. Right-click on `ClamAV-0.101.2.exe` and select `Run as administrator`. You may receive a warning message along the lines of "Windows protected your PC".  Select `More info` and then select `Run anyway`.
++3. Right-click on `ClamAV-0.101.3.exe` and select `Run as administrator`. You may receive a warning message along the lines of "Windows protected your PC".  Select `More info` and then select `Run anyway`.
+ 4. Select `I accept the agreement` and click `Next`.
+ 5. Click `Next` again. If you've removed a previous installation of ClamAV, you may receive the prompt "The folder ... already exists...". If you do, select `Yes`.
+ 6. Click `Install`.
+@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ Continue on to "First Time Set-Up" below...
+ ## Install using the ClamAV Portable Install Package
+-1. Download: https://www.clamav.net/downloads/production/clamav-0.101.2-win-x64-portable.zip
++1. Download: https://www.clamav.net/downloads/production/clamav-0.101.3-win-x64-portable.zip
+ 2. Unzip it.
+-3. Open the `clamav-0.101.2-win-x64-portable` directory.
++3. Open the `clamav-0.101.3-win-x64-portable` directory.
+ 4. Hold down Shift and then right-click on the background in the current directory (but not on one of the files). Select `"Open PowerShell window here"`. If that option doesn't appear, try again.
+ Continue on to "First Time Set-Up"...
+diff --git a/m4/reorganization/version.m4 b/m4/reorganization/version.m4
+index 57d23e4..c834b53 100644
+--- a/m4/reorganization/version.m4
++++ b/m4/reorganization/version.m4
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+ dnl change this on a release
+ dnl VERSION="devel-`date +%Y%m%d`"
+ LC_AGE=0
diff -Nru clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/patches/series clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/patches/series
--- clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/patches/series	2019-03-30 15:32:49.000000000 +0100
+++ clamav-0.101.2+dfsg/debian/patches/series	2019-08-06 22:02:44.000000000 +0200
@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@

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