[Pkg-clamav-devel] clamav backport?

Rhonda D'Vine rhonda at deb.at
Tue Jan 22 08:14:38 GMT 2019


* Harald Dunkel <harald.dunkel at aixigo.de> [2019-01-22 08:51:12 CET]:
> using Stretch clamav spams the log file with messages
> Jan 22 08:10:20 srvvm01 freshclam[178]: WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
> Jan 22 08:10:20 srvvm01 freshclam[178]: WARNING: Local version: 0.100.2 Recommended version: 0.101.1
> Jan 22 08:10:20 srvvm01 freshclam[178]: DON'T PANIC! Read https://www.clamav.net/documents/upgrading-clamav
> For a suit accidentally reading this it sounds like Debian
> is not keeping its packages up-to-date.
> clamav 0.101.1 builds and works fine for stretch-backports
> without modifications (AFAICT), so I would suggest to add it
> to the backports repository.

 While it might be nice to offer that through backports, that doesn't
fix the warning for users of stable.  Personally I think that should get
addressed in stable directly, not through the use of backports.  This
isn't so much about offering new features for stable users but
addressing issues with the packages in stable, which primarily needs to
get addressed there, if possible.

 I think stretch-updates might be the option to go here, as it's said to
have replaced -volatile which was the pocket formerly for such updates?

 Also, not regarding to this, but in general it might be wise to Cc your
mails to the regular maintainer of the package so that they know about
the interest of having an update available, as they are the ones who
best know their package.

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