[Pkg-clamav-devel] Bug#785130: (no subject)

Felix Defrance felix at d2france.fr
Thu Jan 31 09:43:46 GMT 2019

Hi Paul, Brent,

It's hard to known witch is the right way to do.

@Paul, you say you are unimpressed by the work of extremshok. Can you
explain why ? Is the work isn't trustable ?

@Brent your packging seems missing somethings like the location of the
debian sources as I see. The VCS not pointing on salsa.debian.org and no
source to building the package is provided on github... Maybe you could
improve that by relocate your work on salsa ;)
On the other hand, if you want to get sponsor, you could solve lintian
warnings too. Ask help to the mentors

I'm not debian packaging expert, but I hope the subject will be
clarified, I'm clamav user, and I would like  to know if it's better to
purge or upgrade clamav-unofficial-sigs


Félix Defrance
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