DebConf 2020 - Clojure BoF proposal submitted
Elana Hashman
ehashman at
Tue Aug 25 23:54:00 BST 2020
Hi all,
The BoF was accepted and is fast approaching this Friday at 1900 UTC:
I do hope you'll join me. There is a private Jitsi link, so you will
need to reach out to me if you want to join on audio/video.
Do we have a specific list of questions we'd like to see answered during
the Q&A?
- e
On 2020-07-02 18:48, Elana Hashman wrote:
> Hi team,
> After some conversations around reviving puppet server[1] I have
> gathered the motivation to submit a proposal for a Clojure BoF at the
> virtual DebConf this year.[2] I'm hoping I will be able to provide
> resources for new Clojure packagers and invite new members to the
> team. Let me know if you'd like to be added as a co-presenter on the
> proposal.
> Hope everyone is doing well during this very unusual year of 2020,
> - e
> [1]:
> [2]:
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