lists.alioth.debian.org lists.alioth.debian.org
Thu Feb 25 06:52:34 GMT 2021

Warning: do not use this project as a template for your mailing 

This project was originally used to test Gammadyne Mailer.  It is 
now shipped with the product because it may be useful to the user 
to see some examples of a project that uses G-Merge.  We won't 
mind if you send us this message.  It would be more useful to 
send it to yourself by changing the contents of the Recipients 

The word "FAIL" should not appear anywhere (discounting this 
sentence) in the final message body, as seen in the Preview 

This project was originally used to test a database.  We'll 
declare some variables to simulate database columns.

Word-wrap test:
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 
123456789 123456789 
Gammadyne Mailer is a powerful tool designed to eliminate the 
drudge work of running an email campaign.  It can do much more 
than just send email.  Gammadyne Mailer can automatically manage 
the mailing list by processing sign-up, opt-out, and bounce-back 
email.  Of course, there are powerful tools for maintaining the 
list manually as well.  Adding, removing, and changing recipients 
has never been easier - and the mailing list can be in a 
database, text file, or CSV file.  Gammadyne Mailer makes your 
job easier with an arsenal of features:  personalized messages, 
HTML, recipient filtering, multi-tasking, auto-responding, 
forwarding, list-serving, follow-ups, wizards, tutorials, a 
thorough manual, and much more.  The built-in scripting language 
means that no task is too difficult to automate.  But perhaps its 
best quality is its rock-solid design; it can run indefinitely 
without crashing or draining system resources.  Gammadyne Mailer 
is an industrial strength application, yet still affordable by 
the small business.  Try it today!


Basic Tags:
Recipient: pkg-clojure-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org
Email: pkg-clojure-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org
Full Name: 
First Name: 
Last Name: 
Index: 221
User:  pkg-clojure-maintainers
Domain:  lists.alioth.debian.org

Date formatting:
Now: 2/25/2021 14:52:33
Years: 21,2021,Twenty One,Twenty Twenty One
Months: 2,02,Feb,February
Days: 25,25,25th,Twenty Fifth
WeekDays: 5,05,Thu,Thursday
Hours: 2,02,14,14
Minutes: 52,52
Seconds: 33,33
AM/PM: p,p.m.

Date formatted to system settings:
2:52:33 p.m.
25/2/2021 2:52:33 p.m.

Data switching:
Bool	true=true=true
Int	six=six
String`	6=6
Default	Default=Default



Special Chars:	Äœ»©›ãØÇ™
Escaping (2,3,4):	[[  [[[  [[[[
Rich text test:	<underline>Underlined</underline>
.this line begins with a period
..this line begins with two periods

* Type *
*   0  *
+ Type +
+   1  +
X Type X
X   2  X
# Type #
#   3  #
? Type ?
?   4  ?
! Type !
!   5  !
| Type |
|   6  |
X Type X
X   7  X
| Type |
|   8  |
[ Type ]
[   9  ]
[ Type ]
[  10  ]
< Type >
<  11  >

Test conditional bodies:
100 ok
101 ok

110 ok
111 ok
112 ok

120 ok
121 ok
122 ok

130 ok
131 ok
132 ok
133 ok
133 ok

140 ok
141 ok
142 ok
143 ok

Test Comparisons
11 ok
12 ok
13 ok
14 ok
15 ok
16 ok

21 ok
22 ok
23 ok
24 ok
25 ok
26 ok
27 ok

31 ok
32 ok
33 ok
34 ok
35 ok
36 ok

41 ok
42 ok
43 ok
44 ok
45 ok
46 ok

51 ok
52 ok
53 ok
54 ok
55 ok
56 ok

61 ok
62 ok
63 ok
64 ok
65 ok
66 ok

71 ok
72 ok
73 ok
74 ok
75 ok
76 ok
77 ok

81 ok
82 ok
83 ok
84 ok
85 ok
86 ok
87 ok

91 ok
92 ok
93 ok
94 ok

101 ok
102 ok
103 ok
104 ok

110 ok
111 ok
112 ok
113 ok
114 ok
115 ok
116 ok
117 ok

120 ok
121 ok
122 ok
123 ok

130 ok
131 ok
132 ok

140 ok
141 ok
142 ok
143 ok
144 ok
145 ok
146 ok
147 ok
148 ok
149 ok

150 ok
151 ok
152 ok
153 ok
154 ok

160 ok
161 ok
162 ok
163 ok
164 ok
165 ok
166 ok

170 ok
171 ok
172 ok
173 ok
174 ok
175 ok
176 ok
177 ok
178 ok
179 ok
180 ok
181 ok
182 ok
183 ok
184 ok
185 ok
186 ok
187 ok

190 ok
191 ok
192 ok
193 ok
194 ok
195 ok
196 ok
197 ok

While Loops:

Thirty days from today	27 Mar 2021
Test of formatted expressions  string6:=string6:
Test of default  abc=abc

1  ok
2  ok
3  ok
4  ok
5  ok

Nested IF: 
1  ok
2  ok
3  ok

Test compound tags:
100 123=123
101 123=123
102 123456=123456
103 123456=123456
104 hello=hello

110 ok
111 ok
112 ok
113 ok

100 ok
101 ok
102 ok
103 ok
104 ok
105 ok

110 ok
111 ok
112 ok

120 ok
121 ok
122 ok

130 ok
131 ok
132 ok
133 ok

140 ok
141 ok
142 ok
143 ok

150 ok
151 ok
152 ok
153 ok

160 ok
161 ok
162 ok
163 ok

170 ok
171 ok

180 ok
181 ok
182 ok
183 ok
184 ok
185 ok
186 ok
187 ok

190 ok
191 ok
192 ok

200 ok
201 ok
202 ok

210 ok
211 ok
212 ok
213 ok

220 ok
221 ok
222 ok
223 ok
224 ok
225 ok
226 ok
227 ok
228 ok
229 ok

230 ok
231 ok
232 ok
232 ok
234 ok
235 ok

240 ok

250 ok
251 ok

270 ok
271 ok
272 ok
273 ok

280 ok4
281 ok5
282 ok3
283 ok4

290 ok
291 ok
292 ok
293 ok
294 ok
295 ok

300 ok
301 ok
302 ok
303 ok
304 ok
305 ok
306 ok
307 ok
308 ok

310 ok
311 ok
312 ok
313 ok
314 ok
315 ok
316 ok
317 ok

320 ok
321 ok
322 ok
323 ok
324 ok
325 ok
326 ok
327 ok
328 ok
329 ok

330 ok
331 ok
332 ok
333 ok
334 ok
335 ok
336 ok
337 ok
338 ok
339 ok
340 ok
341 ok
342 ok
343 ok
344 ok
345 ok
346 ok
347 ok
348 ok
349 ok
350 ok
351 ok
352 ok
353 ok
354 ok
355 ok
356 ok
357 ok
358 ok
359 ok
360 ok
361 ok
362 ok
363 ok
364 ok
365 ok
366 ok

370 ok
371 ok

380 ok
381 ok
382 ok
383 ok

390 ok
391 ok
392 ok
393 ok

400 ok
401 ok
402 ok
403 ok

410 ok
411 ok

420 ok
421 ok
422 ok
423 ok

430 ok
431 ok

440 ok

450 ok
451 ok
452 ok
453 ok

460 ok
461 ok

480 ok
481 ok

490 ok
491 ok

500 ok
501 ok
502 ok
503 ok

510 ok
511 ok
512 ok
513 ok
514 ok

520 ok
521 ok
522 ok
523 ok
524 ok

530 ok
531 ok
532 ok
533 ok
534 ok

540 ok
541 ok
542 ok
543 ok
544 ok

550 ok
551 ok
552 ok
553 ok
554 ok
555 ok

560 ok
561 ok
562 ok
563 ok
564 ok
565 ok

570 ok
571 ok
572 ok
573 ok
574 ok
575 ok

580 ok
581 ok
582 ok
583 ok
584 ok
585 ok

590 ok
591 ok
592 ok
593 ok
594 ok
595 ok

600 ok
601 ok
602 ok

610 ok
611 ok

620 ok
621 ok
622 ok

630 ok
631 ok
632 ok
633 ok

640 ok
641 ok

660 ok
661 ok
662 ok

670 ok
671 ok
672 ok

680 ok

690 ok
691 ok
692 ok
693 ok

700 ok
701 ok
702 ok
703 ok
704 ok
705 ok
706 ok

710 ok
711 ok

720 ok
721 ok

730 ok
731 ok

740 ok
741 ok
742 ok

750 ok
760 ok
770 ok
780 ok
790 ok
800 ok

810 ok
820 ok
830 ok

850 ok
860 ok
870 ok

880 ok

890 ok
900 ok

910 ok

920 ok
930 ok

935 ok

940 ok
950 ok
960 ok
970 ok

980 ok
990 ok
1000 ok
1010 ok

1020 ok
1030 ok

1040 ok
1050 ok

1060 ok
1070 ok

1080 ok
1090 ok

1100 ok
1110 ok

1120 ok
1130 ok
1140 ok

1150 ok
1160 ok

1170 ok

1180 ok

1190 ok

1200 ok
1210 ok

1220 ok

1230 ok

1240 ok
1250 ok
1260 ok
1270 ok

1280 ok
1290 ok
1300 ok
1310 ok

1320 ok

1330 ok
1340 ok
1350 ok
1360 ok
1370 ok
1380 ok
1390 ok
1400 ok
1410 ok
1420 ok

1430 ok
1440 ok
1450 ok
1460 ok
1470 ok
1480 ok
1490 ok

1500 ok
1510 ok
1520 ok

1530 ok

1550 ok
1560 ok
1570 ok
1580 ok
1590 ok
1600 ok
1610 ok

1620 ok
1630 ok

1640 ok
1650 ok
1660 ok
1670 ok
1680 ok

1690 ok
1700 ok
1710 ok
1720 ok
1730 ok

1740 ok
1750 ok
1760 ok
1770 ok
1780 ok
1790 ok
1800 ok
1810 ok
1820 ok
1830 ok
1840 ok
1850 ok

1860 ok
1870 ok
1880 ok
1890 ok
1900 ok
1910 ok
1920 ok
1930 ok
1940 ok
1950 ok
1960 ok
1970 ok
1980 ok
1990 ok
2000 ok
2010 ok
2020 ok
2030 ok
2040 ok

2060 ok
2070 ok
2080 ok
2090 ok

2100 ok
2110 ok
2120 ok

2130 ok

2140 ok
2150 ok
2160 ok
2170 ok

2180 ok
2190 ok
2200 ok

2210 ok

2220 ok
2230 ok
2240 ok

2250 ok
2260 ok
2270 ok
2280 ok

2290 ok

2300 ok

2310 ok
2320 ok

2330 ok
2340 ok
2350 ok
2360 ok
2370 ok
2380 ok

2390 ok
2400 ok
2410 ok

2420 ok
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This attachment contains your personal horoscope for Thursday, February 25th, 2021

You will meet a new friend.

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