Package review and GSoC project status
Eugenio Cano-Manuel Mendoza
eugeniocanom at
Fri Aug 16 02:35:27 UTC 2013
Dear Debian fellows:
As you already know we are slowly reaching the goals of this GSoC project.
Although there's still a lot to be done, a big part of clojurehelper is
already written and the list of dependencies needed to be packaged is
substantially smaller. It is because of this that I want to ask you to
please review the packages that I've been working on so we can upload them
ASAP and get them off the list.
The packages that I've been working on are on Titanpad but not all need
reviewing since some of them are still on hold waiting for upstream to add
a license or some other reason which will hopefully be solved soon.
However these are the packages that I believe are ready to be reviewed and
hopefully uploaded if you think they're good:
clojure/core.cache: git+ssh://
com-hypirion-io: git+ssh://
regex: git+ssh://
tools.cli: git+ssh://
clojure-complete: git+ssh://
clj-stacktrace: git+ssh://
versioneer: git+ssh://
Hopefully next week I'll ask for a few more that are already done. I'm
sorry they all came in a batch but I was trying to make sure they're all
good before asking for a review (This week I had to repackage most of them
since we've been adding things like maven metadata and the like).
Hope to hear from you soon! =)
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