[Pkg-cmake-team] Bug#1024625: cmake-data: FindPython.cmake points to newest Python version, not the default

Andrius Merkys merkys at debian.org
Thu Nov 24 11:25:00 GMT 2022

Control: reopen -1
Control: found -1 3.25.0-2


The bug still remains in 3.25.0-2. I am attempting to build promod3 
3.2.1+ds-6 which has:

find_package(Python 3.6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter Development)

However, CMake output is the following:

-- Found Python: /usr/bin/python3.11 (found suitable version "3.11.0", 
minimum required is "3.6") found components: Interpreter Development 
Development.Module Development.Embed


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