[Pkg-cmake-team] Bug#1031799: cmake-data: cmake does not search multiarch paths for HIP

Cordell Bloor cgmb at slerp.xyz
Thu Feb 23 07:10:07 GMT 2023

There is a related issue once finding hip-lang-config.cmake is handled. The
next problem is this:

     CMake Error at 
       By not providing "Findamd_comgr.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this 
       has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by
       "amd_comgr", but CMake did not find one.

       Could not find a package configuration file provided by 
"amd_comgr" with
       any of the following names:


       Add the installation prefix of "amd_comgr" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH 
or set
       "amd_comgr_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If
       "amd_comgr" provides a separate development package or SDK, be 
sure it has
       been installed.
     Call Stack (most recent call first):

     CMake Error at 
       Failed to configure test project build system.
     Call Stack (most recent call first):
       CMakeLists.txt:6 (enable_language)

     -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

I haven't pinned down the exact cause, but I think this is because
project(example LANGUAGE HIP) will call hip-lang-config.cmake before
CMAKE_HIP_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is detected and therefore
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/amd_comgr is not in the search path. It only 
/usr/lib/amd_comgr. You can workaround the issue by passing the architecture
explicitly or by adding /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/amd_comgr to your PATH.

It's not immediately clear to me whether this aspect of the failure 
should be
considered a HIP bug or a CMake bug. I'm tempted to ask for some advice from

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