[Pkg-cmake-team] Bug#1087385: cmake 3.31.0-1 breaks Qt6Qml builds

Hefee hefee at debian.org
Wed Nov 13 16:28:21 GMT 2024


> ```
> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.30)
> project(DebianIssue1087385)
> find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Qml)
> add_executable(main main.cxx)
> target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE Qt6::QmlPrivate)
> ```
> both CMake 3.31.0 and 3.30.5 show:

ACK that fails here, too.

But if I do (with an empty test.qml): 

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.30)
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Qml)
qt_standard_project_setup(REQUIRES 6.5)
qt6_add_qml_module(main URI "test" QML_FILES test.qml)

If parses fine with 3.30.5 and fails with 3.31.0. 

the call stack so far I understood:
qt6_add_qml_module ->  _qt_internal_target_enable_qmlcachegen that calls ( 
Qt6QmlMacros.cmake line 12250):
    target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE

I added a message cmd before to see, that it is triggerd and the arguments.

Okay there is something going on that stopped the error to bubble up on 


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