[Pkg-crosswire-devel] Module dependencies

Norbert Bollow nb at bollow.ch
Mon Jan 26 16:11:24 GMT 2009

Eeli Kaikkonen <eekaikko at mail.student.oulu.fi> wrote:

> Quoting Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch>:
> > The main point of what I meant with "handle the complexities of the
> > interaction between the two module distribution mechanisms" is that
> > the Gnomesword and Bibletime programs that we distribute should still
> > function properly (in particular allowing users to download further
> > modules) if there are some content modules present which been
> > installed from .deb packages.
> >
> > Is this functionality already implemented?
> The applications don't know how the modules have been installed, they  
> just see them through the Sword API. After the modules have been  
> installed with a package manager or a Sword installer they are just  
> ordinary files to the Sword. If a Sword app is run as root it can  
> uninstall the files in any case (which may leave the package  
> management system in a broken state).

Thanks for the info!  I believe that this means that the functionality
which I think is needed is not implemented yet.

I think that the logical consequence of this is that the libsword7
package which we're currently building should *conflict* with all
module packages that we know of (forcing any such packages which are
currently installed to be removed).

For future revisions of the sword package, I believe that we should
discuss with the upstream developers how a more sane solution can be
reasonably achieved, but that discussion can IMO be delayed until the
more urgent packaging issues are resolved.


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