[Pkg-crosswire-devel] peaceful coexistence of libsword6 and libsword7

Jonathan Morgan jonmmorgan at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 04:21:36 GMT 2009

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Peter von Kaehne <refdoc at gmx.net> wrote:
> Jonathan Marsden wrote:
>> What will it take to get these patches into the upstream codebase?
> I gather that Bpbible is simply applying a couple of bug related and
> filter expanding patches which are already in SVN head, while avoiding
> the whole GenBook bible stuff (also in SVN head)

Not quite: two of the three patches are bug-fixes, but from memory
they were made by Ben, and took ages to get into head (I don't think
they were even in head by the time we released 0.4).  The other one is
the compressed module speedup fix.

We do not ever want to rely on SVN Sword, which is why we push for
more frequent Sword releases.

> Gen book bibles: This is major API change currently moving through which
> will allow SWORD to use arbitrary versifications and canons - instead of
> the current fixed KJV versification.
> Large chunks of this are committed already, but it needs to be fleshed
> our further and also requires some front end changes. GS e.g compiles
> fine and works without problem on the new SVN head, but does not yet
> make use of any of the new functions.
>> Are the patches that BPBible needs in order to function already in the
>> upstream (Crosswire) development codebase, just not yet released?  Or
>> have they not been integrated/accepted into the main code tree at all so
>> far?  If the patches are applied, do they break any other applications
>> that use the libraries?
> I think I answered most above
> It appears there is no activity on the bindings yet and without these
> Bpbible can not move forward. But then the work is not completed in
> other parts of the library either. It should work though fine on the
> unpatched 1.5.11 I think, no, Jonathan?

I do not remember the nature of the bug-fixes, but I have a feeling
that at least one of them was required by BPBible.  You can find them
on our Google Code site for download in conformance with the terms of
the GPL.


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