[Pkg-crosswire-devel] Bibledit and Biblememorizer packages

Jonathan Marsden jmarsden at fastmail.fm
Fri Mar 27 21:57:49 GMT 2009

On 18 Feb 2009, I wrote:

> bibledit and biblememorizer are independent of libsword7 and so should
> go in fine?  Please?  I still don't know if we can get them synced  to
> Jaunty in time, but we should probably try.

 (a) They are still in the exact same state they were in then.
 (b) Debian unstable is now open for uploads, as I understand it.

Is there some reason we can't get these two packages into a 100%
Debian-acceptable state, and get them uploaded?  Did I do something
wrong in creating these packages that is preventing this (and if so,
what is the issue)?

If any Debian-packaging folks could take a look at them, and let me know
what needs changing/fixing for Debian, I'll happily make such changes.

Ubuntu packages of them are in my PPA at
https://launchpad.net/~jmarsden/+archive/ppa and the bzr repos are at
https://code.launchpad.net/~pkgcrosswire/bibledit/main and

For SWORD-dependent packages... I'm guessing we're now waiting with
baited breath for SWORD 1.5.12 before getting overly concerned about
uploading libswordN and packages that depend on it into Debian?  Since
CrossWire just published a module that requires 1.5.12 or later
(Elzevir), I'm hoping that a real official SWORD 1.5.12 release (or
whatever version number it ends up being called, 1.6 would be fine!) is
somewhat imminent.

Incidentally, there is discussion of allowing the LaunchPad PPA build
machines the ability to build (and therefore of allowing PPAs to host)
Debian-specific packages... this would make life easier for us as we
target both Debian and Ubuntu.  But this is still being discussed (and
generally accepted as a good thing), rather than actually being
implemented right now, as far as I can tell.



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