[Pkg-crosswire-devel] Libsword8 - Let's set a date

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at gmail.com
Wed May 20 14:13:00 BST 2009

Debian import freeze is on 25th after that date packages will not be
automaticly synced from debian into Karmic.

I would love to have libsword8, xiphos and bibledit synced into karmic
before that date.

It will take a while to go through debian New Queu so shall we set a
date like 7th of June as the date we gonna seek sponsorship for the
libsword8??? And let's try to get all the fixes in by then.

With best regards

Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima),
Ледков Дмитрий Юрьевич

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