[Pkg-crosswire-devel] [Branch ~pkgcrosswire/libsword/main] Rev 34: debian/rules: simplified manpage processing.

noreply at launchpad.net noreply at launchpad.net
Thu May 21 15:13:08 BST 2009

revno: 34
committer: Dmitrijs Ledkovs <dmitrij.ledkov at gmail.com>
branch nick: simplify
timestamp: Thu 2009-05-21 15:10:56 +0100
  debian/rules: simplified manpage processing.

=== modified file 'debian/changelog'
--- debian/changelog	2009-05-20 23:17:24 +0000
+++ debian/changelog	2009-05-21 14:10:56 +0000
@@ -29,8 +29,9 @@
   * debian/control: Removed all references of version number
   * debian/watch: Fixed a small mistake which was resulting in extra "."
     in final version name.
+  * debian/rules: simplified manpage processing.
- -- Dmitrijs Ledkovs <dmitrij.ledkov at gmail.com>  Wed, 20 May 2009 23:16:08 +0000
+ -- Dmitrijs Ledkovs <dmitrij.ledkov at gmail.com>  Thu, 21 May 2009 13:38:20 +0000
 sword (1.5.11-1) experimental; urgency=low

=== modified file 'debian/rules'
--- debian/rules	2009-05-20 23:07:57 +0000
+++ debian/rules	2009-05-21 14:10:56 +0000
@@ -18,18 +18,13 @@
 	chrpath -d $(CURDIR)/lib/.libs/libsword.so*
 	chrpath -d $(CURDIR)/utilities/.libs/*
-	pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center "" -n IMP2GBS debian/imp2gbs.1.pod > imp2gbs.1
-	pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center "" -n IMP2LD debian/imp2ld.1.pod > imp2ld.1
-	pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center "" -n IMP2VS debian/imp2vs.1.pod > imp2vs.1
-	pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center "" -n INSTALLMGR debian/installmgr.1.pod > installmgr.1
-	pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center "" -n MOD2IMP debian/mod2imp.1.pod > mod2imp.1
-	pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center "" -n ADDLD debian/addld.1.pod > addld.1
-	pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center "" -n MKFASTMOD debian/mkfastmod.1.pod > mkfastmod.1
-	pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center "" -n OSIS2MOD debian/osis2mod.1.pod > osis2mod.1
-	pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center "" -n TEI2MOD debian/tei2mod.1.pod > tei2mod.1
-	pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center "" -n VPL2MOD debian/vpl2mod.1.pod > vpl2mod.1
-	pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center "" -n VS2OSISREF debian/vs2osisref.1.pod > vs2osisref.1
-	pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center "" -n XML2GBS debian/xml2gbs.1.pod > xml2gbs.1
+	for file in `ls debian/*.pod`;\
+	do\
+		base=`basename $$file .pod`;\
+		name=`basename $$base .1 | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`;\
+		pod2man --release=$$VERSION --center "" -n $$name $$file > $$base;\
+	done
 	chrpath -d $(CURDIR)/utilities/diatheke/.libs/diatheke

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