[Pkg-crosswire-devel] RFS: bibledit/5.0.105-1 [NMU]

Roberto C. Sánchez roberto at debian.org
Sat Apr 8 14:45:59 BST 2017

Hi Teus,

On Wed, Apr 05, 2017 at 10:04:15AM +0000, Teus Benschop wrote:
>    Hi Roberto,
>    Thanks for looking at the package, and for the quick feedback.
>    The lintian warning about the debian/changelog was now fixed, the line was
>    shortened a bit to stay within the 80 character limit.
>    To make the transition from the old bibledit-gtk to the new bibledit
>    easier, package bibledit-gtk was introduced again, as transitional dummy
>    package to bibledit, and in a similar way bibledit-gtk-data as a
>    transitional dummy package to bibledit-data.
>    I tested the upgrade cycle from bibledit-gtk 4.9 in Debian sid to the new
>    bibledit 5.x. It works okay now, after the fields Depends, Replaces, and
>    Breaks, were added to debian/control.
>    The debian/changelog now uploads to the experimental pool of packages,
>    rather than to the unstable distribution. I had not realized that Debian 9
>    Stretch is so close to release now. Yup, good plan to upload this first
>    release to experimental.

Excellent work.  I have built and reviewed the package.  Everything
looked good, so I have just now uploaded.

>    After stretch gets frozen, the next upload could be targetted at unstable
>    again, even before release, or it needs to wait till after the release of
>    stretch?

Stretch was frozen about 8 weeks ago.  In theory an upload to unstable
coule be done at any time, but with a change this significant, I would
advise waiting until after release.  There is not a firm release date
set as far as I know, but perhaps by May/June the release should be done
and we can upload to unstable.

Also, because the source package introduces new binary packages, it will
need to pass NEW processing and it is likely that the old bibledit-gtk
source package will need to be manually removed by the FTP masters.
Have a look at the Debian Developer's Reference, section 5.9, for

>    (Extra, unrelated, but perhaps interesting, info: There is also
>    "bibledit-desktop" ([1]https://github.com/postiffm/bibledit-desktop),
>    which really is a continuation from bibledit-gtk, renamed to -desktop, and
>    is being developed independently by another developer.)
>    Teus.

That is interesting.  I was not aware of that project.



Roberto C. Sánchez
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