[pkg-crosswire-devel] Bibletime v3.0-1

Roberto C. Sánchez roberto at debian.org
Sat Aug 29 15:36:24 BST 2020

On Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 01:18:18AM +0200, Bastian Germann wrote:
> Am 20.08.20 um 13:01 schrieb Roberto C. Sánchez:
> >>> W: bibletime: executable-not-elf-or-script usr/bin/DisplayView.qml
> >>>
> >>> That file appears to be a program of some sort but not one that is
> >>> directly executable.  Would it be possible to relocate it to some other
> >>> place, like under /usr/share/bibletime?  I'm not sure how that would
> >>> affect the program or what that would entail.
> >> The file is loaded via
> >> QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/" + "DisplayView.qml";
> >>
> >> So either we leave it in place or patch that call.
> >>
> > Okay.  Then the file should be moved and the call patched.
> > 
> Done.
Thanks very much for taking care of this.  I have reviewed your changes
(everything looked good) and have uploaded the package.  I also tagged
the commit and pushed the tag.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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