[Pkg-cryptsetup-devel] cryptdisks and password prompt

Jonas Meurer jonas at freesources.org
Tue Jan 24 20:51:12 UTC 2006


i would like to start a discussion about the way /etc/init.d/cryptdisks
prompts for passwords. both #328961 and #304077 are bugs addressing this
topic. they make clear, that the current behavior could be improved.

at least #304077 is a non-issue for us (in my eyes), as both submitter
and maintainer came to the conclusion, that support for cryptsetup in
mount is the only real solution to that problem. i acknowledge this, and
i just sent a mail to bug #290324, asking what the status of this bug

but in my eyes #328961 is still interesting, even when cryptsetup
support gets added to mount (util-linux). the case with the usb-kebboard
(explained in the bugreport) is still present, and i guess that a
countdown of some (configurable) seconds is quite a good idea.

what do you think?


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