[Pkg-cryptsetup-devel] [dm-crypt] Proposal: cryptsetup 'tmp' with different filesystems

Jonas Meurer jonas at freesources.org
Tue Dec 18 20:12:32 UTC 2007

On 16/12/2007 Hans-Peter Oeri wrote:
> I didn't find a specific cryptsetup mailing-list. Please excuse, if I
> bother you with this email...

Hey Hans-Peter,

seems like your question is debian- and/or ubunut-specific.
pkg-cryptsetup-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org would be the correct
contact in case that you use debian.

> Currently, cryptsetup is 'hardwired' to ext2 as the filesystem for tmp
> directories. Creation of big ext2 filesystems (eg. as temp isofs
> storage) takes a lot of time - however, I still would like to start my
> htpc as fast as possible.
> Other filesystems are created MUCH faster. I therefore suggest to
> 'enhance' the 'tmp' option to include an optional filesystem name:

sounds reasonable. I'll apply your patch against the svn trunk as soon
as my home internet connection works again.

> 144a145,149
> >                       if [ -z "$VALUE" ]; then
> >                        TMPFS="ext2"
> >                       else
> >                        TMPFS="$VALUE"
> >                       fi
> 387,388c392,393
> <       mke2fs "/dev/mapper/$dst" > /dev/null 2>&1 || return 1
> <       mount -t ext2 "/dev/mapper/$dst" /tmp || return 1
> ---
> >       mkfs -t $TMPFS -q "/dev/mapper/$dst" > /dev/null 2>&1 || return 1
> >       mount -t $TMPFS "/dev/mapper/$dst" /tmp || return 1


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