[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#495509: cryptsetup: non-working timeout option can render remote systems unbootable

Filippo Giunchedi filippo at debian.org
Sat Dec 6 10:53:52 UTC 2008

On Sat, Nov 08, 2008 at 02:26:53PM +0200, Eddy Petriiior wrote:
> Subject: cryptsetup: non-working timeout option can render remote
> systems unbootable
> Followup-For: Bug #495509
> Package: cryptsetup
> Version: 2:1.0.6-6
> severity 495509 important # system unbootable when restarted remotely
> thanks
> On a remote server where one relies on the timeout feature to skip over
> the passphrase prompt when the system is started remotely, this pauses
> the entire boot process, requiring manual intervention.

I agree with the severity, if timeout really can't work anymore please put a
NEWS.Debian entry giving hints on how to fix the problem as things will break
for setups expecting a boot timeout.
FWIW I'm using the same setup as Eddy.

Filippo Giunchedi - http://esaurito.net
PGP key: 0x6B79D401
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-- Groucho Marx

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