[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#507721: Bug#507721: cryptsetup: Sometimes initrd ends up missing conf/conf.d/cryptroot file in it

Christian Jaeger christian at jaeger.mine.nu
Tue Dec 16 02:24:33 UTC 2008

Christian Jaeger wrote:
>> and if the missing recursion of get_lvm_deps() is really
>> the reason, why does it only fail on some kernels for you?
> As I did say in my previous mails, I don't know.
> And I don't know whether it's got anything to do with kernels. Or the
> order in which something is initialized at boot, or the phase of moon,
> or maybe whether I've got snapshots running.

Hey, I've tested now with and without snapshots and it's clearly the

See the attached observation log.

You can see (1) that while there is a snapshot on the root volume, on my
setup, the current cryptsetup from Debian is broken; it is *not* broken
if I remove the snapshot. (2) I see confirmed that my patch works for me
in both cases.

So, I hope now you've got at least something to reproduce the case.


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