[Pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#487256: Bug#487256: cryptsetup: add dep-scripts option to crypttab

Christoph Anton Mitterer calestyo at scientia.net
Sat Jun 21 11:34:27 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-06-21 at 13:20 +0200, Jonas Meurer wrote:
> Also if you need to mount a device to read the key from, passdev, a
> keyscript recently added to the cryptsetup package and developed by
> David is your friend. Please see README.initramfs section 10. The
> "passdev" keyscript for more information.
Hmm passdev seems to be nice (although I didn't look into its code yet).
But the problem is: What's a generic way,.. to combine the passdev
keyscript with another one (in my case decrypt_openpgp)?

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