[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Is cryptsetup 1.0.6 unofficial/Debian-only ?

Pavel Mendl pavel_mendl at centrum.cz
Wed Oct 8 10:10:55 UTC 2008

Dear community friends,

first of all: sorry to disturb. 
Be it another kind of package, I would silently ignore the versioning 
inconsistency, but in cryptology it is better to be paranoid than sorry.

I am about to instal cryptsetup on my Debian/lenny production desktop 
installation. Checking the version I have found 2:1.0.6-6 for the Debian 
packaging system (http://packages.debian.org/lenny/cryptsetup), while 1.0.5 
last release reported on the project reference homepage 

I would still take it for not-in-sync case between luks and Debian versioning, 
should I not read on Debian page:
Download Source Package cryptsetup: 
what resembles original distribution in (unreported) version 1.0.6 again.

Any feedback welcome (even brief "It's ok, just no time to maintain web 
news" - I know the feeling myself ;-) ).

Thanks in advance
Pavel Mendl
pavel_mendl at centrum.cz
Skype: pmendl (link skype:pmendl?call )
Jabber: pavel at jabber.pznet.rudna.net
ICQ: 37571535 

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