[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#548900: udev update killed my LLVM2 boot (sed: not found)

Jonas Meurer jonas at freesources.org
Tue Sep 29 22:46:31 UTC 2009

On 29/09/2009 Marco d'Itri wrote:
> On Sep 29, Sheridan Hutchinson <sheridan at shezza.org> wrote:
> > /scripts/local-top/cryptroot: 1: sed: not found
> I do not use lvm nor an encrypted root, maybe the cryptsetup maintainers
> know more.

hello sheridan,

please try to provide more detailed information. how did you break your
system? was it caused by a udev upgrade? or a cryptsetup upgrade?

also, did you try to boot with a backup initramfs? try to edit the boot
options in grub to use the backup initramfs file. i.e. if your normal
initramfs is located at /initramfs-2.6.30-1-amd64, then use

once you managed to boot into one of the broken systems again, please do
the following:

- first backup the working initramfs to a secure place

- send the file /tmp/initramfs.log to this bugreport after executing the
  following command:
  # sh -x mkinitramfs -o /tmp/initramfs 2>/tmp/initramfs-log

- in case that your system was broken by an upgrade, try to downgrade
  the packages in question again, regenerate the initramfs afterwards
  and see whether that fixes the bug:
  # update-initramfs -u -c

- try to provide more information in general: content of /etc/crypttab,
  installed versions of cryptsetup, initramfs-tools, udev, kernel, ...

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