[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#576186: Bug#576186: cryptsetup: Setting up crypto device on Startup takes too long w/ ext3

Milan Broz mbroz at redhat.com
Thu Jul 8 06:53:16 UTC 2010

On 07/08/2010 08:22 AM, Markus Melms wrote:
> root at playstation:# cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda3
> Aufruf fehlgeschlagen: /dev/sda3 is not a LUKS partition 
> # "Aufruf fehlgeschlagen" means sth. like "Command failed"
> root at playstation:# cat /etc/crypttab 
> # <target name>	<source device>		<key file>
> # <options>
> cryptofs	/dev/sda3		none
> check,tries=3,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256,loud

ok, so it is plain crypt device, not LUKS. So not problem
with cryptsetup itself - here it simply takes passwords, hash it and
use as key.

I think problem is either in some udev rule or in "check" script,
which waits for something but this is Debian specific.


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