[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#554506: Bug#554506: cryptsetup: unable to find root volume

Wolodja Wentland wentland at cl.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Jul 27 15:21:33 UTC 2010

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 14:54 +0200, Jonas Meurer wrote:
> i just tried to reproduce the bug, and failed. can you confirm, that
> this bug no longer applies? otherwise please give exact information
> about your system: /etc/fstab, /etc/crypttab, and from inside the
> initramfs: /conf/conf.d/cryptroot.

I've tested the provided packages, the original ones as well as those
that recently migrated to squeeze and still run into this bug. I agree
that we all might run into different bugs and am unsure what exactly is
causing it for me.

Short description:

My Thinkpad T60 SATA controller can be configured to operate in two
modes, "AHCI" and "Compatible". I have been using it in "Compatible"
mode ever since, but when I switch to "AHCI" I get the following error:

--- snip ---
Unable to find LVM volume name_of_lvm/swap
cryptsetup: lvm device name (/dev/disk/by-uuid/...) does not begin with
cryptsetup: evms_activate is not available
--- snip ---

kind regards

  .''`.     Wolodja Wentland    <wentland at cl.uni-heidelberg.de> 
 : :'  :    
 `. `'`     4096R/CAF14EFC 
   `-       081C B7CD FF04 2BA9 94EA  36B2 8B7F 7D30 CAF1 4EFC
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