[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#644082: Encrypted filesystem sometimes, fails to unmount in gnome desktop

Bernhard bewoern1 at yahoo.de
Tue Oct 18 17:33:13 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

Hello Jonas

> I'm pretty sure that this is not a bug in cryptsetup, but in some
> other package.
That's possible.
But this behaviour only appears with encrypted storage devices.
With unencrypted storage devices, this behaviour is not shown.

> Do you still discover this issue with recent Debian?
This behaviour appears with actual Debian sid.

> Do the processes which access the filesystem (scsi_eh_5 and
> usb-storage) disappear after some time?
I'll investigate this next time.

> A common reason for the issue you described are indexing processes
> (like nepomuk, strigi, ...) which read the content of a USB disk in
> the background. You should check which processes read/write to the
> device by executing 'lsof <device>' (e.g.
> '/dev/mapper/udisks-luks-uuid-1234-5678-90ab-cdef12345678-uid1000')
> and 'fuser -m <mount_point>', (e.g.
> '/media/fedcba09-8765-4321-fedc-ba09-87654321fedc').
I'll investigate this next time.
With XFCE4 in squeeze, this behaviour is not shown --> OK.
With XFCE4 in sid, this behaviour is shown --> UNMOUNTING FAILED.
Mounting and unmounting of storage devices is switched from HAL to UDEV
in XFCE4.
Is this the reason of failed unmounting?
Gnome uses UDEV, too.

Best regards
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