[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Patch for multidevice btrfs on encrypted devices

Marek Dopiera marek at dopiera.pl
Sun Aug 17 21:03:47 UTC 2014

I am new to the list, so please forgive me my potential faux pas's.

I have a setup which turned out to be unsupported by the cryptroot 
initramfs hook. The setup is 2 LUKS encrypted partitions on top of which 
is btrfs setup as RAID 1. The problem is that only one device is 
decrypted in the generated initramfs image - there is no LVM-like code 
in the initramfs hook to include others as well.

I made a simple patch which adds support for similar setups. I thought 
it might be useful to include it (if you find it of good enough 
quality). Please find it attached.

Marek Dopiera
marek at dopiera.pl
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