[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#768407: cryptsetup: dm-crypt disk unlocks on older Debian, does not on current testing

Milan Broz gmazyland at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 10:08:31 UTC 2014

On 11/07/2014 10:11 AM, clayton wrote:
> Package: cryptsetup
> Version: 2:1.6.6-3
> Severity: important
> I have an old dm-crypt partition that I have been using for long-term backups.
> This is the crypttab:
> backcrypt /dev/sdb2 none cipher=aes-cbc-plain,size=256,hash=ripemd160,noauto,loud

If it is not passphrase, are you sure these were the correct parameters? Who added them there?
(mainly check mode: -plain /-essiv:sha256, key size 128/256 ?)

(it should be, these are old cryptsetup plain defaults but you should check
old crypttab backups for sure... really better use LUKS to avoid this problem,
or even better - if you have systtem which opens it correctly, use cryptsetup status
for active device and check it)



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