[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Question about smartcard and decrypt_opensc script

Pascal Vibet - ADACIS pvibet at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 14:41:17 BST 2018


i'm using smartcard to decrypt my encrypted disk, so i change in 
/etc/crypttab the line like this:

sdb5_crypt UUID=16a46... /root/encryptedkey.pkcs1 

All works fine but what i will do if i loose my smartcard  or i forget 
it (or maybe someone steals it).

I have to boot on busybox, decrypt in CLI the encryptdisk disk (i don't 
remove my luks password), chroot on my decrypted disk, remove old 
parameters in /etc/crypttab file for using smartcard, apply 
modifications in initramfs and reboot for use luks password.

Could you modify decrypt_opensc script for using another capabilty to 
decrypt (like luks password) ?

I write this patch in /lib/cryptsetup/scripts/decrypt_opensc:

 >     if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
 >         echo "Failed to decrypt using smartcard..." >&2
 >         plymouth ask-for-password --prompt "Try LUKS password: "
 >     fi

i publish modifications to use luks password and usbkey on my github: 

Could you give my a feedback on my proposition or/and my gihub ?


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