[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] cryptsetup failed with code 22 invalid argument

Guilhem Moulin guilhem at debian.org
Tue Jul 7 06:13:35 BST 2020

On Tue, 07 Jul 2020 at 14:29:58 +1000, Miranda Zhang wrote:
> but blkid <device> have shown it as TYPE="crypto_LUKS"
> Is it already successful?

No, you might have more modules missing.  Assuming the cryptsetup binary
comes from Debian the default cipher/mode/IV is aes-ats-plain64, are
these modules available and loaded to?  You will probably need aes, xts
and ecb (or aesni), maybe more, see /proc/crypto.  Is this a stock
Debian kernel or do you build your own?

To see if the culprit is with cryptsetup or something else, you can even
try to map a test device manually using the same ciphers/mode/IV:

    dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=64 of=/tmp/disk.img
    losetup -f /tmp/disk.img 
    dev=/dev/loop0 # loop device allocated above
    dmsetup create testcrypt --table "0 $(blockdev --getsz $dev) crypt aes-xts-plain64 $(xxd -l64 -c256 -ps </dev/urandom) 0 $dev 0"

Does that work?  (Is a new block device /dev/mapper/testcrypt being
created?)  If it does then the problem is with cryptsetup itself,
otherwise it's something lower level.


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