[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Bug#963721: Bug#963721: libcryptsetup12 v2:2.3.3-1 seems to be breaking libssl somehow

Guilhem Moulin guilhem at debian.org
Fri Jun 26 16:23:11 BST 2020

Control: tag -1 moreinfo

Hi Christian,

On Thu, 25 Jun 2020 at 21:58:43 -0400, Christian Weeks wrote:
> I installed the newest version of libcryptsetup12.

Unfortunately you appeared to file this bug using Buster's
libcryptsetup12 so the metada doesn't describe the buggy environment
(Version: 2:2.1.0-5+deb10u2).  Please show the output of `apt upgrade
libcryptsetup12` that yields the buggy environment.  (I.e., you don't
encounter the bug before the command but do after the upgrade.)  The
output of

    ldd /lib/*-linux-gnu/libcryptsetup.so.12.6.0 /sbin/cryptsetup


    dpkg-query -l "*cryptsetup*"

before *and* after the upgrade might be helpful too.

> Suddenly, minecraft would not run! 
> Backtraces in gdb indicate that something is broken in SSL.

Care to share said backtrace also?

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