[pkg-cryptsetup-devel] Repository restructuring incl. branch renaming (Was: cryptsetup_2.3.4-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable)

Guilhem Moulin guilhem at debian.org
Sun Jan 17 14:51:21 GMT 2021

Hi Jonas!

On Sun, 17 Jan 2021 at 13:50:09 +0100, Jonas Meurer wrote:
> Thanks a lot for your thorough explanations regarding the branch renames.
> First, I really appreciate that you renamed the branches, second, I even
> more appreciate your detailed remarks. It's really appreciated!

Thanks for the feedback!  I should probably have synced with you *before*
but assumed you wouldn't find the renaming controversial :-)

> I followed these steps and it looks like it worked as expected :)

Great!  There was some trial and error on my side and I wasn't entirely
sure it was a self-contained list of commands.

One more thing, `git checkout master` is unfortunately quite ingrained
in my muscle memory (didn't get used to `git switch -` yet); depending
on your workflow you might also find useful to create an alias (or
symbolic reference in git parlance) refs/heads/master pointing to

    $ git symbolic-ref refs/heads/{master,debian/latest}

`git push origin master` would create a new branch on the remote, but I
find it handy to switch between branches on the local clone, at least
until I get use to the new name and/or to `git switch -` :-)

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