New cyrus-sasl2 packages

Fabian Fagerholm fabbe at
Tue Oct 17 06:17:59 UTC 2006

> On Mon, Oct 16, 2006 at 04:00:48PM -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> > Yikes, sasl is very critical, we should be relibtoolizing and reautofu-izing
> > it from known-good Debian versions.
> > 
> > I know from a LOT of experience that you shall NEVER trust autofu-generated
> > files that come from CMU.  Always regen them.

Full ACK.

On Mon, 2006-10-16 at 15:53 -0400, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> Is someone working on this?  If not, I will try and get to it, but it
> will be several hours before I can even start.  Also, about all I can
> really handle is the reautofu-izing part.  I don't know enough about
> libtool (yet) to be able help out on that.  So, if someone could start
> on that now, it be very helpful.

As I just wrote in an email to Steve Langasek, the package is just not
there yet. There are lots of things left to do before we can even
consider uploading to experimental, such as ensuring the libtool and
auto* stuff is correct, adding versioned symbols, etc. etc. etc.

I guess it'll just take time until some more people have gone through
the same things as I have -- but you could save yourselves a lot of time
by reading the mailing list archives and making sure you understand what
I'm talking about in my progress mails.

I'm sorry if someone thought we are nearly finished, because there is
still a lot left to do. I do think I've made it clear a few times,
though. In fact, my last request for help to this list was about
patches, and that required an understanding of libtool and other
build-related things to answer. So it seems to me that there is a lack
of knowledge, but instead of acquiring that knowledge, we turn our
attention to other, less important, parts of the package.

I've personally tried to work on gaining the knowledge I need, but it
doesn't happen overnight, and that's why the project may seem stalled
from time to time. It would be great if we could discuss and solve the
really hard issues on this list. That way, we accumulate knowledge among
ourselves. I think it would be a great disservice to all our users to
release a package before the team can handle its maintenance. I know
it's popular these days to just do whatever you can as fast as possible
and call it done, but that's not the way I want us to handle this
critical package.

End of rant. :)

Fabian Fagerholm <fabbe at>
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