Advice about SASL socket directory permissions

Patrick Ben Koetter p at
Fri Nov 28 08:00:54 UTC 2008

* UlisesVitulli <uvitulli at>:
> Helo team!
> Rene and I are planning to upload a SASL back-end authentication module
> for Apache 2.2[1], here is the software in matter[2].
> The reason of this mail is to ask you for advice about what we should
> do/say to do, in reference to the directory permissions where saslauthd
> places its socket on Debian system (var/run/saslauthd), as because of it
> (0710) does not allow Apache running user (commonly www-data), to talk with.
> We have arrived at this different 3 'solution' approaches:
> 1. Tell to add apache running user to sasl group.

That would be the default and recommended behaviour. 

> 2. Tell to change owner of the directory where saslauthd places its
> socket (defaulted to var/run/saslauthd)

The saslauthd init script will 'fix' this on every reboot unless you change
the policy.

> 3. Tell to change permissions of the directory where saslauthd places
> its socket (defaulted to var/run/saslauthd) to allow others with
> +execution (ugly).

Same as in option 2.

> Hoping we could help each other, thanks in advance!

I recommend using option 1. It's the established procedure on Debian.

p at rick

> Dererk
> ref
> 1.  #499186
> 2.
> -- 
> vlady <at> Melee: ~$ grep -ir 'power in your hands' /proc/
> /proc/version: Debian GNUine Perception
> BOFH excuse #356: the daemons! the daemons! the terrible daemons!.

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