Problem with SASL and Umlauts /Charset ISO-8859-15

Fabian Fagerholm fabbe at
Fri Jan 30 15:37:22 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-01-29 at 11:45 +0100, Stans Roes wrote:
> i've got a question, i'm running Postfix with SASL as smtp-proxy,
> everything ist, only when the password got umlaute, i get a failure by
> the password validation, it seems to be, that sasl doesn't support
> umlauts (iso-charset 8859-15) only utf-8! is there a option to change
> this or a workaround?

It all depends on so many different things that it's hard to give a
general answer.

First of all, what password storage are you using? sasldb? PAM?
Kerberos? And so on.

Second, it can depend on the client. What encoding does the client use
when sending the password? If you can store the same byte sequence in
your storage backend, then things should work.

Since this is a general SASL question, you might want to ask on the
upstream mailing list. See for more

Fabian Fagerholm <fabbe at>
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