Your SASL 2.1.23.dfsg1-1.1 NMU was incomplete

Richard A Nelson cowboy at
Wed Sep 16 06:45:25 UTC 2009

On Sat, 12 Sep 2009, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

>> This is the result of the conflicts in cyrus-sasl2-heimdal. I'm
>> willing to upload a package that fixes it, but the fact that any
>> upload of cyrus-sasl2 needs to be followed by an upload of
>> cyrus-sasl2-heimdal is not going to make me happy.
> This is a result of not being able to insall both MIT and Heimdal
> development libraries alongside each other.

I think the libpam-krb (-heimdal) package is the only other with the
same kind of issue... due to a lack of a common gssapi library :(

But yes, a new version by someone would be warmly received - I find myself
now stuck - I downgraded to get the -dev package and everything worked until
the next reboot...  "And then, depression set in":
 	1) Boot failure due to bad initrd (not recognizing LUKS and
 	2) Prior due to grub-pc trying to probe LUKS and failing, so not
 	   regenerating initrd
 	3) Get through all that to find that slapd doesn't start because of
 	   sasl library version miss-match
 	4) I can't upgrade because of gssapi-module being missing
Rick Nelson
Software is like sex, it's better when it's free.     -- Linus Torvalds

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