[Pkg-deepin-devel] Bug#769366: zssh won't start: "out of pty's"

Jakub Wilk jwilk at jwilk.net
Thu Apr 11 22:07:58 BST 2019

* Ben Wong <ben at wongs.net>, 2017-12-22, 17:03:
>Wait, that bug again? I fixed that a long time ago.

Indeed, you did. However, the critical part of the fix was regenerating 
the configure script (and to lesser extent config.h.in) from source. 
This was done at build time by adding:


to debian/rules.

It turns out these two lines were removed without explanation in the 
1.5c.debian.1-3.2 NMU.

(This is not the only problem with this upload. It failed to follow the 
NMU guidelines (DevRef ยง5.11.1) in multiple ways:
* It changes source package format and patch system, whereas "fixing 
cosmetic issues or changing the packaging style [...] in NMUs is 
* The upload was without appropriate delay.
* NMU diff was not posted to the BTS.

Another undocumented change in the NMU is removal of the 
fake_readline/Makefile hunk from the 01_pre_cdbs.diff patch. No idea 
what's the consequence of that.)

It would be probably too invasive to add DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_* back in a 
stable upload (especially now that unstable has an entirely different 
fix for the bug), so I'd like to propose to regenerate autoconf stuff 
once and stick the diff into 04_GNU_openpty.patch. See the attached 

For the avoidance of doubt, I don't intend to do the actual upload. It 
is YunQiang's job to fix the regression.

As a side note, some people noticed that just rebuilding the package 
from source fixes the problem for them. This is because when openpty() 
is not available (or, in our case, when it's not detected correctly), 
the package falls back to getpt(), and that works. However, the 
configure test for UNIX 98 pseudoterminal naming is broken:

   if test -c /dev/ptmx && test -c /dev/pts/0

But /dev/pts/0 doesn't exist when nothing is using ptys at the moment; 
indeed, evidently it didn't exist when this package was built on 

So regenerating autotools files is strictly required after all. 
No-change rebuilds wouldn't be sufficient.

Jakub Wilk
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