[Pkg-dpdk-devel] dpdk service needs double opt-in by the admin

Luca Boccassi luca.boccassi at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 08:44:59 UTC 2017

On Mon, 2017-10-23 at 08:05 +0200, Christian Ehrhardt wrote:
> Hi,
> I've realized we have a double opt-in atm.
> 1. enable the service
> 2. change the config file
> After install:
> systemctl status dpdk
> ● dpdk.service - DPDK runtime environment
>    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/dpdk.service; disabled; vendor
> preset: enabled)
>    Active: inactive (dead)
> ubuntu at node-horsea:~$ systemctl is-enabled dpdk
> disabled
> Not super-bad, as it is meant to be an opt-in.
> But since we made the config in a way to be (mostly) a no-op by
> default I
> wonder if we should change that.
> Currently the opt-in is enabling the service + changing the conf.
> This could be only changing the conf.
> I think we would need a dh_systemd_enable to achive the right thing,
> but I
> wanted to poll for opinions first.

That's reasonable, most optional packages enable services by default
since the act of installing it is already an opt-in. Adding --with
systemd to dh should be all that's needed.

> One more detail - we currently "fix up" vm.max_map_count in any case
> that
> has hugepages. If wanted for a default on we could guard that with a
> check
> to the conf file.
> In other places I've seen an more explicit
> in the config to make it very clear to opt-in - maybe such a thing
> would be
> ok as well.
> Yet if we would do that we would have some work for upgrades.
> Maybe the value not being set means enabled (as it did so far) but if
> the
> default from the conffile is set (FALSE) it skips the service tasks.
> Too much options/styles to do so, so before a  patch thoughts?

I think it's fine without a new option - a good thing about systemd
units is that there is one universal way to enable/disable it.

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi
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