[Pkg-e-devel] Bug#614820: python-evas: FTBFS: __new__ method of extension type will change semantics in a future version of Pyrex and Cython. Use __cinit__ instead.

Jakub Wilk jwilk at debian.org
Wed Feb 23 16:20:34 UTC 2011

Source: python-evas
Version: 0.5.0+r49677-1
Severity: serious
Justification: fails to build from source

python-evas FTBFS in a clean, up-to-date sid chroot. Tail of the build 

| running build_ext
| cythoning evas/evas.c_evas.pyx to evas/evas.c_evas.c
| warning: evas/evas.c_evas.pyx:18:0: 'python_ref' is deprecated, use 'cpython'
| warning: evas/evas.c_evas.pyx:19:0: 'python_method' is deprecated, use 'cpython'
| warning: evas/evas.c_evas.pyx:20:0: 'python_mem' is deprecated, use 'cpython'
| Error compiling Cython file:
| ------------------------------------------------------------
| ...
|     @group Event feeding: feed_hold
|     @group Often unused: damage_rectangle_add, obscured_rectangle_add,
|            obscured_clear, render_updates, render, norender, freeze_get,
|            output_method_set, output_method_get, output_method
|     """
|     def __new__(self, *a, **ka):
|    ^
| ------------------------------------------------------------
| /build/sbuild-python-evas_0.5.0+r49677-1-i386-FtIWzl/python-evas-0.5.0+r49677/evas/evas.c_evas_canvas.pxi:120:4: __new__ method of extension type will change semantics in a future version of Pyrex and Cython. Use __cinit__ instead.
| Error compiling Cython file:
| ------------------------------------------------------------
| ...
|     @group Often unused: render_op_set, render_op_get, render_op,
|        color_interpolation_set, color_interpolation_get, color_interpolation,
|        anti_alias_set, anti_alias_get, anti_alias, pointer_mode_set,
|        pointer_mode_get, pointer_mode
|     """
|     def __new__(self, *a, **ka):
|    ^
| ------------------------------------------------------------
| /build/sbuild-python-evas_0.5.0+r49677-1-i386-FtIWzl/python-evas-0.5.0+r49677/evas/evas.c_evas_object.pxi:222:4: __new__ method of extension type will change semantics in a future version of Pyrex and Cython. Use __cinit__ instead.
| Error compiling Cython file:
| ------------------------------------------------------------
| ...
|        clip_set, clip_unset
|     @group Event system: callback_add, callback_del, callback_call
|     @see: L{ClippedSmartObject}
|     """
|     def __new__(self, *a, **ka):
|    ^
| ------------------------------------------------------------
| /build/sbuild-python-evas_0.5.0+r49677-1-i386-FtIWzl/python-evas-0.5.0+r49677/evas/evas.c_evas_object_smart.pxi:362:4: __new__ method of extension type will change semantics in a future version of Pyrex and Cython. Use __cinit__ instead.
| building 'evas.c_evas' extension
| creating /build/sbuild-python-evas_0.5.0+r49677-1-i386-FtIWzl/python-evas-0.5.0+r49677/build/temp.linux-i686-2.5
| creating /build/sbuild-python-evas_0.5.0+r49677-1-i386-FtIWzl/python-evas-0.5.0+r49677/build/temp.linux-i686-2.5/evas
| gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -g -O2 -g -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/fribidi -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/eina-0 -I/usr/include/eina-0/eina -Iinclude -I/usr/include/python2.5 -c evas/evas.c_evas.c -o /build/sbuild-python-evas_0.5.0+r49677-1-i386-FtIWzl/python-evas-0.5.0+r49677/./build/temp.linux-i686-2.5/evas/evas.c_evas.o
| evas/evas.c_evas.c:1:2: error: #error Do not use this file, it is the result of a failed Cython compilation.
| error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
| make: *** [debian/python-module-stampdir/python-evas] Error 1

Jakub Wilk

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