[Pkg-electronics-devel] RFS: NEW: covered 0.7.6-1

أحمد المحمودي aelmahmoudy at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Oct 2 12:36:37 UTC 2009

 I am looking for a sponsor for my package "covered".
 This package is NEW to Debian. The ITP number is: 539883

 * Package name    : covered
   Version         : 0.7.6
   Debian Revision : 1
   Upstream Author : Trevor Williams <phase1geo at gmail.com>
 * URL             : http://covered.sourceforge.net
 * License         : GPL-2+
   Languages       : C, Tcl
   Section         : electronics
   Long description:
 Covered is a Verilog code coverage utility that reads in a Verilog design and
 a generated VCD/LXT dumpfile from that design and generates a coverage file
 that can be merged with other coverage files or used to create a coverage
 report. Covered also contains the GUI coverage report utility that reads in a
 coverage file to allow interactive coverage discovery. Areas of coverage
 measured by Covered are: line, toggle, memory, combinational logic, FSM
 state/state-transition and assertion coverage.

 It builds these binary packages:
 covered    - Verilog code coverage analysis tool
 covered-doc - Verilog code coverage analysis tool - documentation

 The latest entry in the Debian changelog is:
covered (0.7.6-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release (Closes: #539883)
  * Added tclscript_install.diff to
    + install Tcl scripts without setting the executable bit
    + remove shebang from main_view.tcl

 As required, I tested the package against unstable's version of lintian and it
 is lintian clean.

 * The package now depends on tklib instead of tablelist.
 * The package now is also build with gplcver support (in addition to 
   iverilog support).

 The package can be found on mentors.debian.net:
 - URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/c/covered
 - Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable main contrib non-free
 - dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/c/covered/covered_0.7.6-1.dsc

 I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Kind regards,

 ‎أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)
  Digital design engineer
 GPG KeyID: 0xEDDDA1B7 (@ subkeys.pgp.net)
 GPG Fingerprint: 8206 A196 2084 7E6D 0DF8  B176 BC19 6A94 EDDD A1B7

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