[Pkg-electronics-devel] Bug#567773: The desktop file for kicad and its KDE menu location

Hamish Moffatt hamish at debian.org
Sat Mar 13 03:14:16 UTC 2010

FWIW, I agree with Peter and Peter. kicad belongs in Engineering, and
Engineering is not Science. As an engineer I would not look in science
to find kicad, geda, pcb etc.

Why can't Debian Edu include the extra-xdg-menus package? Petter, you
mentioned that it would be the only entry in the resulting Electronics
menu, which is unfortunate but I don't really see a solution that is
still correct for Debian. You could perhaps ship a modified set of menu
files somewhere or provide your own extra-xdg-menus which caused
Electronics and/or Engineering packages to appear in a different menu.

pkg-electronics-devel doesn't maintain kicad so we can't really comment
on an NMU. Are the kicad maintainers (Richard and Daniel) following this


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