[Pkg-electronics-devel] PCB

Dima Kogan dkogan at debian.org
Sun Dec 18 05:59:53 UTC 2016

I worked on this today, and have a preliminary debianization. Build with:

    gbp clone git://anonscm.debian.org/users/dkogan-guest/pcb-rnd.git
    cd pcb-rnd
    pristine-tar checkout pcb-rnd_1.1.3+repack1.orig.tar.gz
    mv pcb-rnd_1.1.3+repack1.orig.tar.gz ..


This package works, but isn't complete. The missing parts are:

- Documentation. How do I build it?

- Tests. Are there tests? How do I run them?

- Copyright. I added the missing copyright info, but some parts were
  copyright-less. What is the copyright and license of

  - src_3rd/liblhtpers
  - src_3rd/genregex

- Integration with freedesktop. The new policy says that's what one is
  supposed to do instead of the menu system. I don't have experience
  with this, so can't do it quickly. I'll look tomorrow unless one of
  you has done this before, and will do it before I do.

Some general notes:

- currently this tree lives in my old home directory. If you add me to
pkg-electronics, I can move it there.

- I built everything into a single package, and I'm not building
anything as a plugin. I don't see the benefit of splitting anything
here. Originally I was looking at separating gtk and lesstif into
separate packages as plugins, but this didn't work (will talk to
upstream), and popcon says that lesstif is WAY less popular than gtk, so
I'm just building a single package with gtk and calling it good.

- I'm building gschem2pcb into a separate package. How does this differ
from the one already in Debian?

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