[Pkg-electronics-devel] Who is active in your team

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Fri Aug 3 01:17:55 BST 2018

Hi folks,

yesterday I sat in Bdales pkg-electronics BoF.  While I'm quite behind
information about topic related teams inside Debian this team somehow
escaped my attention.  I've now added your team to the teammetrics
sentinel and you can see now, who is posting on your list frequently,
who is doing frequently uploads and bug fixes:


(you get the raw data of this graphs if you replace .png by .txt and
these reach out even to the 30 most active people - I've done yearly
announcements of teammetrics asking for interested teams.  Either you
are not interested or you did not noticed the announcements ;-))

I wished someone of your team would have watched my talk[1] (video will
be available soon, slides are at my talks page[2]).  It would have
pointed you at least to the electronics task page of Debian Science[3]
and how to maintain this task in Git[4].  My assumption is that this
page is quite badly maintained and there are a lot of missings - may be
things that should not be there.  I'd also recommend to add an
electronics-dev task which includes development tools for electronics.

I could personally imagine some Debian Electronics Blend (as a similar
offspring from Debian Science as Debian Astro did).  Its your decision
whether you understand yourself as a group of DDs/DMs that by chance are
maintaining some packages that fit into the field of electronics and you
simply use a common project on Salsa or whether you want to make Debian
famous for its good support of software in electronics.

Kind regards


[1] https://debconf18.debconf.org/talks/42-tools-inside-blends-framework/
[2] https://people.debian.org/~tille/talks/20180730_debconf_tools_inside_blends/blends_tools.pdf
[3] https://blends.debian.org/science/tasks/electronics
[4] https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/science/blob/master/tasks/electronics


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