[Pkg-electronics-devel] Bug#905221: kicad: pcbnew immediately crashes after invocation without showing a GUI (failed assertion)

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Sun Aug 5 03:25:57 BST 2018

Hello Werner,

On Wed, Aug 01, 2018 at 05:11:40PM +0200, Werner Frey wrote:
> pcbnew aborts immediately after invocation on my i386 Debian Buster installation.
> The kicad package was freshly installed for the first time.
> There were no changes to the default configuration of the package.
> When I started pcbnew the very first time a hint window pops up, saying that I am
> using pcbnew the first time using the new search method for footprints. After I
> confirmed the popup by clicking the OK button, the messages below appeared and
> pcbnew aborted. On later invocations the popup window doesn't appear and pcbnew
> aborts immediatly showing the messages below.
> As this behaviour also kills eeschema without any warning  when searching for footprints
> from within eeschema the complete kicad package is unusable for me.

mhh, I don't use i386 based hardware normaly, on amd64 KiCad is working
well so far.
O.k., this is an upstream issue and need to be addressed there. Can you
please make a GDB log of a segfault? You need to install kicad-dbgsym
for this.


Once we have a GDB log we can open a issue within the upstream bug


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