[Pkg-electronics-devel] KiCAD v5

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Sat Jul 14 07:25:42 BST 2018

Hello Chris,

Am 14.07.2018 um 00:27 schrieb Chris:
> Hello!
> Looks like KiCAD v5 may indeed be released soon! Can you tell me if that
> will make it into the Stable branch or will I need to be running either
> Buster (Testing) or Sid?

there is currently no reason to not provide KiCad 5.0.0 within
stretch-backports. Debian has one big requirement for backports [1], the
package in question must be available in testing. I was not interested
in uploading the various release candidates of Kicad 5 into backports
but given we will get the final KiCad 5.0.0 release into unstable and
testing soon we will find time to prepare an upload to backports shortly
after. Shortly means here a small amount of weeks (1-2) to see if not
any big issues will arise in testing which we shouldn't introduce for
users of Stretch with backports.

If a backport for Jessie is possible I"ve not tested yet, I expect it's
not (easy) possible due the used boost version in Jessie.

[1] https://backports.debian.org

Carsten Schoenert

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