[Pkg-electronics-devel] qucs experimental package

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Fri Jun 22 18:35:43 BST 2018

Hello Felix,

Am 13.06.18 um 21:19 schrieb Felix Salfelder:
> Dear team.
> I have prepared an experimental qucs package [1] in response to users
> feedback & grief. Qucs ("quite universal circuit simulator") has
> disappeared from debian around 2009 at version 0.0.15.
> Theres some work going on, also on a release, but the timeline is more
> than unclear, so i went for a snapshot based on the development branch.

before digging into maybe some packaging quality tune up ...

qucs is depending on qt4-dev as I've read on the FAQ [1], there are also
some other related Qt4 depending in the configure.ac file.

It's likely that Buster will drop all Qt4 files and related packages
[2]. So if qucs isn't fitting to get build with Qt5 bindings it's a bit
useless to put energy into a package that should not go into testing
because of the Qt4 requirements.
But I don't know enough of the internals of that software. So please
take a critical look at qucs if the effort is worth in the end.

[1] http://qucs.sourceforge.net/faq.html
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/Qt4Removal


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